Judge rules Trump protected by presidential immunity for claims doubting election while in office – IOTW Report

Judge rules Trump protected by presidential immunity for claims doubting election while in office

Just the News:

APennsylvania state judge ruled that President Donald Trump is protected by presidential immunity for the statements he made creating doubt about the 2020 election results while in office. 

Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael Erdos ruled Monday that 2020 election worker James Savage is unable to sue Trump over the claims, according to The Hill.

Trump’s immunity includes a tweet and other comments he made from the White House while a Pennsylvania state Senate committee met in November 2020, the judge also said.

“Other legal proceedings may examine the propriety of his statements and actions while he was the President and whether, as the plaintiffs in this and other cases contend, it was this conduct which served as the actual threat to our democracy,” Erdos wrote in his ruling. “But this case is not the proper place to do so. Here, Trump is entitled to Presidential immunity.” more

52 Comments on Judge rules Trump protected by presidential immunity for claims doubting election while in office

  1. President Trump should be exonerated anyway as he was only telling the truth.

    Unless everyone else remebers past elections where they boarded up windows, stopped counting med-election in key states simultaneously, excluded Republican poll watchers, had mass ballots cast by one person on tape, and where counts changed as you watched them in statistically impossible ways, to name but a few items.

  2. I wonder what history books will say about this period in the future, if there is indeed one. This insane persecution can’t last and will hopefully backfire. I’m afraid “Idiocracy” is our destiny.

  3. Truckbuddy AT 9:26 AM
    “I wonder what history books will say about this period in the future, if there is indeed one. This insane persecution can’t last and will hopefully backfire. I’m afraid “Idiocracy” is our destiny.”

    …the history books will say nothing. Due to the fact that all of our modern storage is on easily perishable digital media, an EMP could destroy it all quickly or Time will destroy it all slowly, and even if something exists that can be read and hasn’t been deliberately altered, the technology to read it no longer will.

    History stops with us.

    Just the way the Communist like it

  4. Absolute proof that Telling the Truth these day brings the ire of democRATs crashing down on you!
    They can’t stand it. It drives them so crazy that they pull stunts like this that have zero substance, but it cost big bucks and time to process. Frankly I’m tired of them spending our hard-earned, over-taxed money on this pointless horseshit!

  5. I sure didn’t need anyone creating doubt about the 2020 election. Stopping the count in 6 heavily dem counties at the same time pegged my bullshit meter that night. In a few hours it went from a looming DJT landslide to WTF.

    It’s been stuck on 11 ever since.

  6. Over 60 lost court cases, over 1/2 billion dollars spent trying to prove false claims of a stolen election. All false claims came up zero. Because cause some loser
    bullshit con man’s claim. He lost the popular vote in 2016, but stoled the election with Russian help. He lost the popular vote in 2020 but this time they were his attempts to steal another election. He belongs behind bars, that the courts will now decide.

  7. Not one of the court cases were allowed to present evidence of which there were mountains at the time and even more now. Comey found nothing. Mueller found nothing. Both impeachments flopped.

    The myriad ways the count was manipulated in PA is painstakingly documented in The Parallel Election, even with pictures so morons like you can get an idea.

    But of course you’ll never read it but you will visit slugheaps like commondreams and look for reviews so you can parrot them.

    And the popular vote doesn’t matter moron.

    I’ve been following Padraig for years, a solid Southern man. I also fear he’s correct.

  8. MMinWA

    I agree with him too. Until he says the way to combat this is run and hide or they’ll take your guns and jail you. If that’s the case they’ll take your guns a jail yo anyway. This is an illegitimate Gov from top to bottom and should be treated a such.
    By the way, he posts on GAB. You should read the comments posted on this article. GAB has become the hang out for the useless “All IS LOST” crowd. I have a hard time dealing with that. Very stupid comments.

  9. A really fucked up talking point the dems & MSM are using is “close advisors told Trump the election wasn’t stolen.”
    Trump’s opinion MUST be what some fucking advisor told him?
    Otherwise he is lying to the American people?

    I suppose it’s good he didn’t have an advisor tell him the earth is flat.
    If so, Trump would have been required to tell Americans the earth is indeed flat.

  10. Or, how about explaining yourself for once in your life and not running away?

    I know you are not big on honest questions but some contractions are hard to ignore. You have often used the term “TINVOWOOT” here, so in your opinion, the ballot box is not the place to affect change, fair enough. So what other mechanism for change are you advocating, and isn’t this essentially what the “All Is Lost” crowd is saying, that we can’t vote our way out of this?

  11. Rich Taylor

    I defended you once from being called a FED POSTER. After your voiced concern about me carrying a gun based on my concern someone might try and take Trump out, I’m not so sure. In fact, after you posted that I got three e mails saying basically the same thing. Maybe this SOB is a FED POSTER. I really don’t feel like playing. Find another target.

  12. “I really don’t feel like playing”

    Of course, you don’t, because honesty and accountability are not your strong suit.

    You obviously come here to have your ego stroked and fear any real dialogue or discourse. Too bad, because most of the time you are spot on. But sadly, when challenged, you lack the conviction of your arguments, and instead of thinking about shit or trying to persuade, you run away with,”I really don’t feel like playing”.

    I admit it, sometimes I miss stuff, so I ask questions. Libs are scared to death of questions, real conservatives aren’t.

  13. The “election” was clearly, unequivocally stolen.
    Why would saying so make him subject to a lawsuit?
    Our “judiciary” has bent over backwards to ensure that the matter can never be taken to trial because the “judges” KNOW the “election” was stolen!
    From the SCROTUS down to his guy.
    I suspect that even judges in dog shows know that the “election” was stolen.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


    I think we’ve had some pretty good conversations here lately. And then here come the big turd in the punch bowl, Rich, trying to stir shit up.
    Go find some one else to pick on tuff guy.

  15. The “ALL IS LOST” crowd have been beaten. The TINVOWOOT crowd will probably still vote but they realize that is not the only course of action that can be taken. There is frustration but still optimism in the TINVOWOOT crowd, the ALL IS LOST crowd are mostly losers!

  16. Thanks Joe6, an honest answer, but a few questions for you;

    1) Is the “all is lost” crowd that frequents Gab there just to commiserate with others in their suffering or are they there to hear other ideas and possibly a solution to their plight which, if so, makes them not “All is Lost” but more “We are in deep shit so how do we fix it” crowd?

    2) What other courses of action are you advocating for the TINVOWOOT crowd other than bloody revolution? If you are talking about organizing and getting informed, sure, all for that, but ultimately doesn’t this organization have to effectuate itself at the ballot box?

    “ALL IS LOST crowd are mostly losers!”

    Probably so, but despair can often be interpreted as belonging to that group when in reality, they pray that they are wrong and that all is not lost.

  17. ^^^ …they pray that they are wrong…”

    that’s pretty f’d up.
    “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.”
    Matt. 5:37

  18. ^^^ I know that, obviously.

    But if you are going to align yourself with TINVOWOOT, it is incumbent upon you to provide another solution other than voting, to fix the problem, otherwise, you are no better than the All Is Lost crowd, assuming any of those really believe that in the first place.

  19. I don’t mean to divert anything here, but-
    why on earth would anyone pray that they were wrong about something? And why would they expect a response and what kind of a response to such a prayer would they be expecting?

    that kind of logic don’t work in my world, or head for that matter.

  20. Rich, I don’t believe it’s incumbent upon me to provide another solution. I do what I do, but I’m not going to blow my own horn or say what has been said many times here already. Being involved with like minded people is certainly worthwhile, trying to fight it out as The Lone Ranger doesn’t get much done.

  21. ^^^ The “you” in my comment above was generic, not directed at you per se but anyone that advocates TINVOWOOT. I have never read you saying this so I don’t know if you belong in that camp or not.

    But back to the original question, for the TINVOWOOT’ers, if voting is not the answer then what is? Sketch me out a path for getting our country back that does not have voting in the equation.

  22. On more than one occasion I have included TINVOWOOT in my comments. I agree with it. I also agree that there is a continuing need to continue voting. Simply declaring There Is No Voting Our Way Out Of This doesn’t answer anything. There is a need and a responsibility to vote


    “The way to stop POS Jack Smith is to drag him into the Biden impeachment inquiry and ask him why he never investigated any of this while it was his responsibility. In fact he turned a blind I too it. And then charge and jail his ass for what ever the appropriate charges are.
    If our people had their shit together, or cared, that’s what they would be doing right now.”

  24. A Spectre is haunting America – and that Spectre is Satanism in the guise of nihilistic totalitarianism (communism, socialism, nazism, fascism … whatever).

    Simply put, if America can regain control of the electoral process through absolute transparency, the country can right itself – if not, then not.

    But it’s obvious that the Three Branches of Government are totally corrupt.

    What happens after that is anyone’s guess. Probably depends on how hard the nihilistic totalitarians push their Satanic agenda and how far Americans are willing to acquiesce.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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