Judge sides with Home Depot, upholds ban on BLM logos on workers’ aprons – IOTW Report

Judge sides with Home Depot, upholds ban on BLM logos on workers’ aprons

Just The News:

A federal administrative law judge has upheld Home Depot’s ban on workers placing Black Live Matters logos on their work aprons, saying it was an appropriate enforcement of the company’s uniform code and not an infringement of labor rights.

Judge Paul Bogas overruled the National Labor Relations Board argument that the retailer’s ban on BLM imagery on work gear infringed worker’s political and labor rights.

Bogas said BLM messaging and imagery “originated, and is primarily used, to address the unjustified killings of Black individuals by law enforcement and vigilantes” and as such had little to do with the work conditions or labor rights at Home Depot protected as “concerted” labor activity.

“For the reasons previously discussed with respect to the Respondent’s nationwide interpretation of the dress code prohibition, BLM messaging is not inherently concerted,” the judge wrote Friday. “Nor does it have an objective, and sufficiently direct, relationship to terms and conditions of employment to fall within the mutual aid and protection clause.” more

11 Comments on Judge sides with Home Depot, upholds ban on BLM logos on workers’ aprons

  1. Good for Home Depot. I hope this applies to all other politics too. “Shut up and sing”, I wand lumber and hardware, not a lecture about morality, from a lumber yard. It is not their mission. All other activities are “waste” which means MY costs go up.

  2. Political-based logos—and certainly not displaying support of domestic terrorists and ku klux klan associates such as Joe Biden—do not belong in the workplace and should be entered in on employee (signed and agreed) contracts. Any breach of that contract deserves dismissal. Employers must definitely be more pro-active about these matters to protect themselves and businesses. Intense background checks on potential employees should also be in play.

  3. I’ve stopped getting my work break coffee at one local grocer’s coffee kiosk because there is a social justice freakizoid barista who is a walking advert for every sort of cause du jour. And she (who is obviously trying to be a he) just won’t shut the hell up about it. Hey! all I want is my coffee!

    The thing about American constitutionalists and those of us who understand how this country became great in the first place is we have a deep conviction about leaving others alone and being left alone. These nutjobs don’t understand personal boundaries, which convinces me that we are dealing with psychologically damaged people who should be dealt with accordingly.

  4. Good fences make good neighbors. It seems they’ve torn down all the fences and have jammed people together in more ways than one. Not everybody wants to
    to hear about your opinion especially while you’re on the clock.
    Do black lives in Chicago matter? If so please explain why there’s 30 to 50 shot every week by other blacks? Or do the only BLM lives matter that are shot by cops because some aren’t good at following directions from the PO Po?

  5. JB_Honeydew
    JUNE 13, 2022 AT 1:10 AM
    “Raise a barn without a pill at the Home Depot.”

    Home Depot should BE a place you go to help raise your BARN without having to have your “awareness” raised in the process.

    You want to raise my awareness, you will raise my middle finger instead.


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