Judge Strikes Down DC Mayor Bowser’s Vaccine Mandate For DC Government Employees – IOTW Report

Judge Strikes Down DC Mayor Bowser’s Vaccine Mandate For DC Government Employees

Now, what about the children – the most vulnerable of the vaccine victims?

5 Comments on Judge Strikes Down DC Mayor Bowser’s Vaccine Mandate For DC Government Employees

  1. Yeah, no union contract for the kids. Teachers? Contract is with administration. Administration is not looking out for the kids, pretty unresponsive to the parents as well.

    Much of what is wrong today is a blind faith in “experts” and “professional” administrators.

  2. BowWow Bowser (no offense to dogs) is one of those govt criminals who pushes the bogus vaxx mandate while being the recipient of countless federal dollars to do so—all which goes directly into her pocket.

  3. BowWow Bowser (no offense to dogs) is one of those govt criminals who pushes the bogus ‘covid vaxx’ mandate while being the recipient of countless federal dollars to do so—all which goes directly into her pocket.

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