Judge Strikes Down Michigan Secretary Of State’s Restrictions On Poll Challengers – IOTW Report

Judge Strikes Down Michigan Secretary Of State’s Restrictions On Poll Challengers


In the latest advance for election integrity, the Republican National Committee (RNC) just won its lawsuit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for restricting the rights of poll challengers.

As previously reported, before Michigan’s Aug. 2 primary, Benson issued last-minute guidance limiting poll challengers’ ability to oversee local elections. This guidance included the superfluous addition of a form to apply to be a challenger, creating an artificial deadline for when poll challengers may be appointed, restricting who poll challengers can communicate with, and banning the use of electronic devices in absentee ballot counting areas.

The lawsuit alleges that by issuing such guidance “without any formal rule-making or process,” Benson violated Michigan’s Administrative Procedures Act. more

5 Comments on Judge Strikes Down Michigan Secretary Of State’s Restrictions On Poll Challengers

  1. I spoke with a friend in Michigan this morning who will be leaving to spend the winter in Florida in a few days.. He and his wife were getting ready to vote early in person. This would be the second time they voted and on the third ballot. The first ballot had the dollar amount wrong on a vote for a local issue. They had not voted on those ballots before they were informed that the ballots were to be replaced.

    The second ballot they voted on. The clerk in their township, who also lives on the same lake they do, came to the door to tell them that their voted ballot was invalid because it had the county code wrong on the ballot. She had notified everyone that lived around their lake. The clerk offered to supply them with a replacement ballot and my friend and his wife told her that they would be voting in person.

    Evidently the ballots were checked for errors before being printed by a second grader.

  2. Benson is as bad as Whitmer. That’s to say, they are evil leftists bent on destroying everyone in Michigan that don’t think like they do. And they are enjoying the destruction.

  3. With a dirty Gov and AG at her side I don’t think she’ll follow the law. They will again close the tabulation center at TCF and reopen when they have achived the numbers they’re looking for.

  4. I don’t have a dog in that fight but I sincerely hope that Whitmer and Benson are run out of town on a rail. If Whitmer loses, I’ll bet dollars to donuts she’ll get a higher paying, perks galore position with the federal government.


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