Judge Sullivan still refusing to dismiss Michael Flynn case – IOTW Report

Judge Sullivan still refusing to dismiss Michael Flynn case

Just The News: In a Freedom of Information case related to former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, District Judge Reggie Walton said on Friday that Judge Emmet Sullivan doesn’t have a lot of options in dealing with the fact that President Trump granted Flynn a full pardon, “unless he takes the position that the wording of the pardon is too broad, in that it provides protections beyond the date of the pardon.”

“I don’t know what impact that would have, what decision he would make, if he makes that determination that the pardon of Mr. Flynn is for a period that the law does not permit,” said Walton, according to the National Law Journal. “I don’t know if that’s correct or not,” the judge continued. “Theoretically, the decision could be reached because the wording in the pardon seems to be very, very broad. It could be construed, I think, as extending protections against criminal prosecutions after the date the pardon was issued. I don’t know if Judge Sullivan will make that determination or not,” Walton added.  more here

24 Comments on Judge Sullivan still refusing to dismiss Michael Flynn case

  1. The President has the exclusive and unrestricted power of pardon, it can’t legally be denied or defied once it is granted.

    Judge Sullivan really needs the intercession of a higher court to deal with him.

    Maybe that will happen or maybe it won’t. We’ll see.

  2. He is a LOW level tyrant acting in behalf of the HIGH level tyrants who still think they are still in control.

    They are not.

    And we can THANK DJT for that and those that voted for MAGA.

    I grow tired of this SHITHEAD. His day will come and it’s before his trial in Heaven btw.

    But when and IF he gets there, God will NOT be happy with his ‘judging’ of people in a corrosive and toxic way.

    Because God is our LAST judge…


    Actually judge is in “judicial mainstream”. Getting strong support since pardon from big judges – JOHN ROBERTS! to name a name!
    Remember GWB hates Don! Roberts is GWB’s man, as are Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey. et. al.

  4. Someone is pulling the Judge’s strings. What they have on this corrupt Judge must be really ugly to keep this farce going. In the end, Sullivan’s punishment is going to be far worse than what he wanted for Flynn.

  5. ghost of brig gen j glover
    DECEMBER 5, 2020 AT 1:07 PM
    “He is a LOW level tyrant acting in behalf of the HIGH level tyrants who still think they are still in control.”

    …absolutely true!, but his vanity is at stake here so the President made it personal by playing his -heh- “Trump” card to defy this guy, and I’ll bet he went into a profanity-laced, carpet-biting paroxym of rage when he heard his own precious self did NOT have the last word, so now that his own massive ego and self-image of him as the Lord High Executioner is at stake, he won’t let it go any more than Arab would the White Whale, and for the very same reason…

    “……to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.”
    Herman Melville, “Moby-Dick”

    …nothing matters to them but power.


    …you’ll see…

  6. Sullivan will stretch this out as long as possible. If Biden prevails, Sullivan will sentence Flynn to prison for perjury. He knows that the Harris/Biden admin will not fight it.

  7. Yet another example of a person of a certain melanin persuasion abusing the righs of a person of pallor

    I mean, where are the vote steals of middle class whites occurring. What group is the doing the heavy lifting, the intimidating and abuse of white observers?


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