Judge Tells Los Angeles They Actually Need Evidence to Ban Outdoor Dining – IOTW Report

Judge Tells Los Angeles They Actually Need Evidence to Ban Outdoor Dining

Dan Bongino:

As we enter day 263 of “fourteen days to slow the spread,” Los Angeles has been hard at work to, in the words of Mayor Eric Garcetti, “cancel everything.”

Among his new nonsensical restrictions includes a ban on outdoor dining, driving, and travel on public transport, bikes, motorcycles, and scooters (except for “essential” activities). So severe are his travel restrictions that even “unnecessary walking” is banned.

There’s still no word on how regulated excessive breathing and thinking will be. read more

14 Comments on Judge Tells Los Angeles They Actually Need Evidence to Ban Outdoor Dining

  1. Garcetti is at the top of the list of people to be appointed by Newsom to replace Kameltoe’s Senate seat. If she ever resigns. So I’m sure he’s doing everything he can to draw attention to himself. Even if it backfires. There is a very real possibility that Newsom will appoint himself to replace Kamaltoe as the recall effort continues to grow. Wouldn’t that be funny.

  2. Per CDC data, ‘healthy’ people are about 1/10x as likely to die if they get COVID-19, across all ages. These shutdowns clearly have an adverse impact on peoples’ health – just look at all the ‘I gained so many pounds’ comments. Also important are key vitamins and minerals like D, C, Zinc, but I never hear about that from government mouthpieces.
    My only possible takeaway: they want more people to die so they can impose more severe controls on everything. It is, after all, the communist way.

  3. Brad, at first I thought that was pretty far fetched but then I found out that it’s already been done, nine times to be exact.

    I don’t see this move as particularly advantageous though, compared to being governor of THE most important state in the union (libs wish to emulate California in all its prog glory)being a senator, one of 100, to me seems like a demotion.

    He would be better served pulling a Blagojevich and auctioning it off to the highest bidder,a lot of rich Dems out here, clearly intelligence and competence is NOT a requirement.

  4. Hey, I’m sure if I walk down town to tent town, I can find, for the right price, a dozen volunteers for testing this experimental drug. No problem lem-o, glad I could help…

  5. Garcetti is a stupid guy, elected becaude of his father, former LA DA garcetti: the idiot who.lost the OJ trial. He’s also a closet homosexual.
    Worst, he is a malignant leftist baffoon, drunk with power.

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