Judge unseals Georgia prosecutor’s divorce case as State Senate plans investigation into Fani Willis – IOTW Report

Judge unseals Georgia prosecutor’s divorce case as State Senate plans investigation into Fani Willis

JTN: Fani Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney pursuing the wide-ranging case against former President Trump in Georgia, was hit with two troubling developments today amid the controversy swirling around her office.

A Superior Court judge in Georgia on Monday unsealed the divorce case involving Nathan Wade, the Fulton County special prosecutor handling the 2020 alleged election interference case against former President Trump under Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

Willis and Wade are alleged to have been in a romantic relationship and benefitted from the taxpayer dollars that Willis’ office paid to Wade. more

14 Comments on Judge unseals Georgia prosecutor’s divorce case as State Senate plans investigation into Fani Willis

  1. lol lil’ Anonymous “next Winter”…The whole goal of the witch-hunt was to get him locked up this Spring so you wouldn’t have to face him in the Fall. And now it’s all falling apart around you lolol but keep coming back, you’re funny.

  2. @GA Native

    “Gov. Kemp wimping out on taking any action as usual.”

    Exactly. Lt, Governor this, Judge that, State Senate the other. But crickets Kemp. And that weasel Raffensperger has also been scarce in these parts.

  3. In today’s Amerika, if you are black and a Democrat, you pretty much believe that you can get away with anything…and generally you are right. But let’s not deny that plenty of whites in the past believed (quite correctly) the same thing. Maybe the problem is government, government power, corruption, etc. and a desire to control other people and their lives through the vehicle of oppressive government.

  4. You’re probably right Mr. Liberty, but If I were a black Democrat politician or bureaucrat today, and I was offered some plum job by the higher-ups in my party, I’d have to give some serious thought as to whether I was being promoted or being used. Unfortunately, the Dems are shrewd enough to pick big egos with small minds to set out in front of their schemes.

  5. MrLiberty
    TUESDAY, 23 JANUARY 2024, 9:44 AT 9:44 AM

    You are right, black and white politicians alike think they can get away with anything.

    I would be perfectly fine with Fani and Hillary hanging side by side from the same gallows, joined together in the ultimate equality of death, sent to a Judge who will care nothing for their skin color since He gave it to them.

    That would be absolutely OK.

  6. The ironic thing is that if she hadn’t been going after Trump they might’ve gotten away with such behavior. Trump being involved is what puts the gigantic spotlight on it.

    Mind-boggling any way you look at it.

  7. Kemp is a “bUSH REPUBLICAN”!! ?#$%^&*!
    He not “wimping”. “Bush Republicans” have been DEMOCRATS for decades! El Rusbo told his fans – me – in 1998! Bush was a DEMOCRAT 26 yersa go; still is; as are his flunkies: Kemp, Mitch, Ryan, Thune. et. al, ! $%*&#!?!


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