Judge Wants Hillary’s Personal Emails – IOTW Report

Judge Wants Hillary’s Personal Emails

–Intelligence Wants Her Security Clearance Suspended.

hillary face

14 Comments on Judge Wants Hillary’s Personal Emails

  1. There is a way to restore credibility to the justice system in America to make sure everyone gets their Fair Share of proper treatment. All minority groups from gays to blacks to natives — All would benefit — to see a Fair Share of Justice doled out to Hillary. It would be a dancing in the streets day for all to be had, it would unite us more than anything. It’s what we need, as a nation.

  2. Everything about this cow is fake.
    How come her eyes are blue now?
    They used to be Brown
    It must be that study that people with Blue Eyes are more trustworthy.

    I can’t wait until she gets denied her deepest desire: Power
    I want to see her get so mad her true face is shown to the world
    No matter how many people get turned to stone

  3. You didn’t see the interview with Trey Gowdy and that “cow” from CNN, who tried to posit that the Congressional Oversight Committee was trying to do “mission creep” on Hillary? CNN did their own polling to show that 68% (of those polled) of the D’s still think that she is a victim of the “vast right-wing conspiracy” to take her down. Those people apparently believe that party trumps rule of law.

  4. EVERYBODY doing e-mail business with her knew from the 1st day: Obola, Jarret, Abedin, NSA, CIA, DIA, State Dept., DoD,, the ragheads she hired to kill Amb. Stevens, EVERYBODY – there’s no way NOT to know.

  5. and then I want to her open her big maw and start talking!!! the clintonistas have dirt on everyone and I would not be surprised if she did not take most of them down with her if she goes

  6. “–Intelligence Wants Her Security Clearance Suspended.”

    The only thing that needs to be “suspended” is Hillary by her neck at the end of a rope.

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