Judge Warns Rittenhouse Jurors of ‘Deliberately Biased’ Reporting in Mainstream Media – IOTW Report

Judge Warns Rittenhouse Jurors of ‘Deliberately Biased’ Reporting in Mainstream Media

Neon Nettle: The judge in Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial has warned jurors against trusting “irresponsible and sloppy journalism” from the “deliberately biased” mainstream media as it reports on the case.

Rittenhouse is on trial for fatally shooting two armed men in self-defense when he was attacked during a Black Lives Matterriot in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year.

During the jury selection process on Monday, Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Bruce Schroeder spoke to a number of potential jurors before the trial gets underway this week.

Schroeder outlined what would be expected of the jury in the case.

He warned potential jurors that even supposedly “respectable media outlets” were twisting the facts of the case due to the “very political” nature the case had taken on in the press.  more here

5 Comments on Judge Warns Rittenhouse Jurors of ‘Deliberately Biased’ Reporting in Mainstream Media

  1. Let’s hope the defense did a thorough background check on all the jurors including social media posts going back several years. We saw what happened to Chauvin when the defense team does not do their homework.

  2. An article in the Insider by Ashley Collman has a screaming headline:
    “Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial opens with his lawyer saying the N-word twice in court”

    Later in the article you read he was QUOTING SOMEONE ELSE while give details of the account.


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