Judicial Watch: Anthony Weiner’s Laptop Had 2,800 Government Documents from Huma Abedin – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch: Anthony Weiner’s Laptop Had 2,800 Government Documents from Huma Abedin

Why are all these b!tches not in jail right now?!


Disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop had 2,800 government documents that were sent to his computer by his wife Huma Abedin, according to investigators.

The blockbuster report was revealed by Judicial Watch after they sued the State Department for failing to respond to a FOIA request.

Weiner’s laptop was the focus of the presidential race in 2016, after new emails from her aide Huma Abedin and Clinton were discovered on his computer.


27 Comments on Judicial Watch: Anthony Weiner’s Laptop Had 2,800 Government Documents from Huma Abedin

  1. BB — Yeah, I said to Geoff C., “Man! I hope all this #@#%! blows up like a can of bad beans over a camp fire.”

    And I hope Trump is wearing a path in the oval carpet as he paces back and forth spouting invective at that idiot, Sessions.

  2. Although it’s quickly fading, I still hold out a shred of hope that Sessions starts releasing the hounds on Clinton, Comey, Abedin, Lerner, Lynch, Holder. All in the same week.

    It’ll never happen. But I’m too old for the other kind of fantasy.

  3. They’ve already got Weiner. Now they need to put pressure on Abedin by threatening her with a long prison sentence for mishandling classified materials. When she sings, Hillary will be wide open for prosecution for giving them to her. If Hillary is not prosecuted, everybody will know the fix is in, and always has been. If she is, pass the popcorn – the show is about to start.

  4. PHenry, here is what I’m hoping for. Sessions resigns, or Trump fires him. President Trump then appoints an attorney from the military that is a genuine law and order guy, and the swamp blows a gasket. That’s a good old guy fantasy.

  5. There’s still something to Sessions. He may work in that old Colombo style. He’s not a show boat.

    Now whether or not he plays it too safe? Dunno.
    People are losing patience for sure. I am but not ready to pull the plug on him just yet.

  6. We have too many problems in this country right now to have the patience to let Columbo work his magic. The perps in this case are trying to take over the country. We need someone that is ready to kick ass and take names. The last straw for me was sessions saying the significance is not understood. That’s unexceptable. We need action.

  7. The new FBI director isn’t exactly shaking all of Washington either. Trump should have kept Bannon on and redirected him to go thru the agency’s and clean them out of disloyal scum. Those agencies are Trumps only tools to enforce his policies, if they don’t function properly nor will what he’s trying to accomplish.

  8. So the Hildebeast was sending sensitive documents to huma, she sends them to Antman, and he sends them to….who?
    What if the whole pornpic scandal was cover for something more nefarious?

  9. “Disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop had 2,800 government documents that were sent to his computer by his wife Huma Abedin”

    were they all naked picture of hillary ? or were some of huma ?

    that wiener is a sick dick.

  10. I believe Sessions is doing what Trump wants him to do. There are a couple threads up on Twitter by some smart guys who believe that Trump is managing this whole thing (Weinstein, NYT, Uranium One) and is letting bits out piecemeal. THey think he is timing it all to explode on the Donks just in time for the 2018 mid-terms.

    For those of you on Twitter, here’s an example. He states that Trump is a student of Sun Tzu and the Art of War. You’ll have to scroll – there are 37 entries. See what you think.


  11. riverlife_callie, that certainly is fun to consider, but I’m doubtful. For one thing Mueller is up to his neck in Uranium One. Is he getting immunity to flip? Waiting till next year is risky as hell, it’s past time to start cleaning this up.

  12. joe6pack – the Twitter guy thinks that is a possibility. Trump had a meeting with Mueller the very day before he was appointed SC. Media said it was to interview him for the head FBI post but he had already reached his 10-year term limit. The theory is that Trump showed him the evidence and gave Mueller 2 possibilities – you can do the right thing and leave with your reputation intact, or you will go down with the rest of them.

    The way things have been dropping in the past few weeks, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump had it all planned out while the media was chasing squirrels.

    Time will tell, I guess.

  13. P.S. – There was also an article posted about who was on Mueller’s team. If you look at their specialties, and keep Uranium One in mind, it could very well be they are going after Clinton. I’ll see if I can find the article.

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