Judicial Watch: Feds Gave Investigated Somalis Tours of Secure Areas at Three Airports – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch: Feds Gave Investigated Somalis Tours of Secure Areas at Three Airports

Breitbart: Judicial Watch, the Washington-based government watchdog, released documents with many details redacted that describe “community engagement tours,” including security briefings, in secured areas of at least three major U.S. airports – Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Columbus, Ohio — given to members of the Somali community, including individuals who were the subject of federal investigations, by Homeland Security Officials.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, said the fact that the feds blocked out information in the documents speaks to the recklessness of the airport tour program, which drew from a community heavily recruited by the Islamic State.

Records turned over to the watchdog also show that three of the invitees had had investigations against them, which had since been closed, and another invitee had an active investigation pending.  more

6 Comments on Judicial Watch: Feds Gave Investigated Somalis Tours of Secure Areas at Three Airports

  1. That would never be allowed by any administration serious about protecting the public safety & national security.
    Stupidity or Treason are the only answer to why this was permitted & done.

  2. I want to know why Middle Eastern men and women seem to be in charge of security at DFW airport? And that the women working in the shops and ticket booths are wearing burqas and head scarfs??? Where have all the Texans gone??? Answer me that??? Why has the DFW Texas airport seemingly been taken over by Muslim looking people that I personally observed and did not speak English when they got together repeatedly, as I sat and waited for my plane! I know that if I had raised one question to these people, I would have been detained! Where have all the Texans gone at the DFW airport!!!!!

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