Judicial Watch May Sue University Of Delaware Over Biden Records – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch May Sue University Of Delaware Over Biden Records

Judicial Watch may sue the University of Delaware to force the school to open up Joe Biden’s senatorial records. One America’s Richard Pollock has more from Washington.

7 Comments on Judicial Watch May Sue University Of Delaware Over Biden Records

  1. Again I am confused. What kinds of senatorial records are kept under wraps at a university that wouldn’t be available from the senate, where the activities apparently took place? Has this already been explained somewhere?

  2. Wouldn’t such records be public from the outset, rather than the personal property of Biden? A public official is just that – public. They enjoy personal immunities for their official acts but their official lives should be open books. Otherwise, as has apparently been the case, they get immunity as well as eternal secrecy for their deeds and doings. “Put everything in a vault and seal it for 50 years.”

  3. You can hold back items that are deemed ‘classified’. But if they are C, then why are they sitting in the closet at some college? No, those documents are meant to stay hidden for 50 years until after he’s dead and doesn’t have to deal with them. He’s not the first one to do it and he. won’t be the last.

  4. The chances of anything defamatory or relevant being discovered in all those boxes of Dementia Joe Obiden Bama’s career as a political hack are next to nothing. Just imagine if there was a single box marked “Women Senator Biden Banged” or “Well Hidden Sexual Assault Complaints” in those thousands of boxes from all those decades of hackery. Anything to do with Obiden’s maleficent, odiferous behavior was purged years before the donation, just like any records of Humper’s Ukrainian or Chinese double dealings. It’s a false trail. What’s needed is another woman to come forward, and she’s out there somewhere, just like Sasquatch or the Abominable Snow Woman.


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