Judicial Watch- No Special Counsel for Burisma Corruption – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch- No Special Counsel for Burisma Corruption

–“Joe Biden is Being PROTECTED by DOJ!”

SNIP: The DOJ protects pedophiles.

11 Comments on Judicial Watch- No Special Counsel for Burisma Corruption

  1. Barr is using an old lawyer trick. You just make a bland, blanket statement saying you don’t see any evidence that something is true. You don’t produce a well-reasoned counter argument against the evidence or use specifics. It’s like saying “I see no evidence that the earth orbits the sun” and then walking away. There isn’t anything to argue back against. It isn’t even a logical fallacy since no real argument was made in the first place.

  2. Corrupt is the only word for these institutions. Top to bottom and fuck Hannity with the 99% are good people. Their hiring for decades has filtered out anyone with a conscience. Images of dozens of FBI agents taking a knee for BLM made me sick.

    I just can not see a way out of this that doesn’t involve a river of blood. When these scum, from typists to upper management begin to feel the same pain they’re inflicting on us…

  3. Barr is in ‘”lock step”with the Rove/Bush UNIPARTY. It hurts to understand how wrong I was. He ,like his boss GWB, is BAD!
    Not only will Americans suffer because he is UNIPARTY, but Christians the world over are, and will, suffer! R. O. P. my ass!

  4. He’s Gone on Christmas Eve. How very appropriate that he, like all evil things flees on the day we celebrate our Savior’s approach.
    On Christmas there is a new AG. On the 26th let him appoint the special prosecutors to keep evil on the run.

  5. @ MMinAR DECEMBER 23, 2020 AT 9:36 AM

    Top to bottom is absolutely right. The Seattle establishment Republican radio was crowing about the FBI supposedly investigating ANTIFA involvement in the train derailment here in western Washington yesterday. I ask the call screener if the host understands the difference between investigating and “investigating?” The guy threw a walleyed fit and slammed the phone down.

  6. There are video tapes of poll workers pulling boxes of ballots out from under tables and of trucks unloading more boxes of ballots during the supposed shutdowns. These lockouts were coordinated.

    Arrest the people caught on tape and the people that ordered the counting halted. Sweat their asses, they’re all facing looong stretches in prison. Why hasn’t this most basic first fucking step been taken? Soon enough you get to the people who organized this and gave the orders. It should have been done Day 1 after that video surfaced.

    Therein lies the rub.


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