Judicial Watch Releases Another 115 Clinton Email Exchanges Involving Confidential Information – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Releases Another 115 Clinton Email Exchanges Involving Confidential Information

(CNSNews.com) – As Hillary Clinton counts the many reasons for her election loss, Judicial Watch continues to seek documents related to her tenure as secretary of state, releasing another 2,078 pages on Thursday.

Those 2,078 documents include 115 Clinton email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department.

Judicial Watch says the documents include more instances of Clinton sending and receiving classified/confidential information through an unsecured email server. They also show that Clinton’s daughter Chelsea and others involved with the Clinton Foundation received special favors from Huma Abedin, a top Clinton aide.  read more

10 Comments on Judicial Watch Releases Another 115 Clinton Email Exchanges Involving Confidential Information

  1. The Trump Administration is doing a lot of good work and I’m looking forward to much more. That being said, she can not be view as too big to indict and try, and if found guilty put in jail.The Clinton Crime Family has to be shut down!

  2. I pray the case against her develops into MULTIPLE cases against her.
    Keep gathering the dirt! The people will ultimately have their say and Scruntwoman will be toast.
    This I pray.

  3. I don’t get it, why release all of this information if there will never be an indictment or a perp walk? Hillary is the most obvious crook in the U.S. at the moment, yet she seems to make better use of teflon than John Gotti ever did. The evil bitch could cut the throats of 100 orphans live on the Clinton News Network, and not a damn thing would happen to her; in fact, the left would close ranks to protect her and divert the blame to Donald Trump.

  4. JMV, she’s been cut loose by her erstwhile backers, who look forward to the legal distraction of Hillary by JW. They’ll be glad to see her go away, shut up and lawyer up, so they can start vetting Presidential candidates for 2020. And if it starts looking like she’s in deep shit, they can decry the GOP witch hunt. Bill knows the deal, but nobody can or will tell Hillary. She’ll probably die in a JW deposition.

  5. There are probably so many Democrats involved in so many different ways that once one goes the whole party will fall. If Comey wasn’t involved yet knew half what was going on he also knows he couldn’t survive opening his mouth either.

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