Judicial Watch releases emails of Russian-related material between Fusion GPS’ Nellie Ohr and DOJ official – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch releases emails of Russian-related material between Fusion GPS’ Nellie Ohr and DOJ official

Judicial Watch:
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released 72 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of Justice containing Russia-related emails sent from Nellie Ohr to high-ranking DOJ official Lisa Holtyn at  the time Ohr worked with anti-Trump dossier firm Fusion GPS. Holtyn at the time was a top aide to former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr.

In an email to Holtyn dated November 22, 2016, revealing her anti-Trump sentiments, Nellie poses a question in the subject line: “Who stands behind the Russian ‘friends of Trump;’” which she answers enthusiastically in the first line of the email: “Pornographer-turned-pro-Kremlin-media-impresario Konstantin Rykov!!!”

The documents show that Nellie Ohr was providing the Justice Department significant amounts of information on Russia via email from January 2016 – November 2016. She testified to Congress she worked as a contractor for Fusion GPS “October of 2015, give or take a couple weeks, and into the end of September 2016.” Much of the material Ohr sent to the DOJ is untranslated Russia-language reports.

Fusion GPS is the firm paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to create the anti-Trump dossier.

The documents show Nellie Ohr’s providing Justice Department officials much the same kind of open-source research and investigative services she was paid to provide Fusion GPS.

Nellie Ohr told Congress that she worked at Fusion GPS on “a project looking into the relationship of Donald Trump with [Russian] organized crime,” for which she would “write occasional reports based on the open source research that I described about Donald Trump’s relationships with various people in Russia” She also testified she gathered information during the 2016 campaign about Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Carter Page, President Trump, his wife Melania Trump and his children for Fusion GPS.

Documents released earlier this week and last week by Judicial Watch show that Nellie Ohr pushed dossier information against Donald Trump through her husband Bruce Ohr to DOJ and FBI. more here

5 Comments on Judicial Watch releases emails of Russian-related material between Fusion GPS’ Nellie Ohr and DOJ official

  1. Read Kimberley Strassel’s book, “The Intimidation Game” to see what first class fascist motherfuckers the Obama administration were. Their goals were clear:

    1. Destroy the Bill of Rights for anyone but themselves.

    2. Personally destroy anyone they targeted as a political enemy, even average, everyday people.

    3. Turn the entire country into a corrupt shithole like Chicago or Baltimore.

    Fuck the democrats then. Fuck the democrats now. Fuck the democrats forever. Because that’s what they plan to do to every working US citizen in the country.


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