Judicial Watch Settles State Department Lawsuit that Uncovered Hillary Clinton’s Unsecure, Nongovernment Emails – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Settles State Department Lawsuit that Uncovered Hillary Clinton’s Unsecure, Nongovernment Emails

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it settled its 2014 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, which sought the emails of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding the Benghazi attack. This suit led directly to the disclosure of Clinton’s use of a nongovernment email server to conduct government business (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242). The settlement commits the State Department to a payment to Judicial Watch of $97,000.

This FOIA lawsuit, about the Obama administration’s Benghazi scandal, forced the Obama administration to admit to Hillary Clinton’s hidden classified and other government emails in 2015. Judicial Watch uncovered “talking points” created by the Obama White House and other documents showing that statements about the attack made on the eve of the 2012 elections by then-National Security Advisor Susan Rice were false. more here

10 Comments on Judicial Watch Settles State Department Lawsuit that Uncovered Hillary Clinton’s Unsecure, Nongovernment Emails

  1. Shouldn’t the settlement be $350 million, interest accruing every day, with a ban of being seen or heard in public for Shrillary? And a chocolate bar. Everybody like chocolate.

  2. Lawyers wrangling for 12 fucking years and the “settlement” is $97,000?
    AND I get to pay for the criminal maggots in the State Dept?

    And the guys who died in Benghazi are still dead, right?
    But no consequences for the liars, maggots, and criminals who had them killed?

    What’s wrong with this picture?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What an incredible day so far and its only like 4AM or even Midnite in some place.

    The overnight Russel Brand video with a title named something like Why Biden is F***ED and numbered 214 or 2314 or something like that from memory but no matter wat it was the last one that was just upped like a little while ago.

    Anyways, watch IT

    The most concise, accurate (with proofs) summation of cirrent events that will go down in recorded history.

    Also, the last Dan Bongino episode is too.

    A Quarter Master Report Card

  4. Named names of who broke the law and not one indictment or one facing consequences for their activity, Cushy retirements in tact still working at a HIGH salary for the Government.

    That’s justice? At this point what difference does it make?
    Those in Benghazi are still dead.
    Classy abuse of those defending American assets.


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