Judicial Watch Sues Adam Schiff for Phone Snooping Records – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Sues Adam Schiff for Phone Snooping Records

Breitbart: Judicial Watch has sued the House Intelligence Committee and its chairman, Adam Schiff (D-CA), on Friday for records relating to Schiff’s phone snooping on his Republican counterpart, a journalist, and the president’s lawyer.

Schiff included phone logs purporting to document communications between Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-CA), journalist John Solomon, and presidential lawyer Rudy Giuliani, among others, attempting to implicate them in a plot to smear the reputation of then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, whom President Donald Trump had constitutional authority to fire for any reason, regardless. more

15 Comments on Judicial Watch Sues Adam Schiff for Phone Snooping Records

  1. …I really do hope Mr. Fitton has a VERY good security team around him, if ANYONE needs one, HE does, pray for his safety as you would the President’s as he is doing us a huge service as well…

  2. Jedi DECEMBER 23, 2019 AT 8:47 AM
    “National Guardsman Breaks Rank On Dems Virginia Gun Control: ‘We Will Not Comply’”

    ..the military can’t be compelled to obey an illegal order, in fact, they are required to NOT follow illegal orders…we kind of settled that “I was only following orders” thing at Nuremberg…also, Guardsmen ARE the people, and they don’t want to act as Democrat thugs against their own home state any more than ANY of us would…

    …The Democrats, if they plan to use the military to push their silent coup, may want to do a little research on the NOT silent kind that happens when you push your soldiers too far…

  3. “National Guardsman Breaks Rank On Dems Virginia Gun Control: ‘We Will Not Comply’”

    …also from that, just another prime example of Democrat Idiotitis…

    “And ultimately, I’m not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law,” Rep. Donald McEachin said, according to Newsweek.

    …uhh, the Governor of a State doesn’t “Nationalize” the National Guard, moron. He CAN call it up, but only the President – President Trump, YOUR President Trump – can exert NATIONAL authority over them for NATIONAL crises.

    …but then, you belong to a party that thinks men are women, baby murders are a ‘choice’, and laws don’t apply to illegal aliens or Democrats, so I guess we shouldn’t expect TOO much out of your indoctrinated instead of educated blowhole, now, SHOULD we…

  4. @Supernightshade December 23, 2019 at 9:23 am

    > The Democrats, if they plan to use the military to push their silent coup, may want to do a little research on the NOT silent kind that happens when you push your soldiers too far

    “Tienanmen” Here, let me Goolag that, for you.

    (The United States has their own Mongol hordes. Plural. Wherever they want to genocide, there’s a United Statesian who calls “them” “it”.)

  5. …U.S. soldiers are not Chinese soldiers, @Anon, Guardsmen ESPECIALLY since they live and work in the State they serve, and DO like to hunt and carry there THEMSELVES. If they wanted to do something like this, they’d be better served to use troops from ANOTHER state or regular Army (which a State Governor cannot do), but even THEN, not sure they’d get the results they seek….

  6. Judicial Watch has done more to expose the DC dirt
    than any of the overrated, lawbreaking government
    agencies. I sent them some bucks to keep it going.
    Please consider doing the same.
    If we don’t support the good guys, we’re sunk.

  7. I am sure there are several adjoining states 2nd amendment activists willing to join their fellow enthusiests in some live fire exercises to prepare for the cleansing of Richmond, you know, for the chirruns….

  8. deplorable – second class
    DECEMBER 23, 2019 AT 12:44 PM
    “I wonder how the next civil war will be launched???”

    … with Democrats trying to keep their slaves and overreaching. Same as the last one…


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