Judicial Watch Uncovers Documents Showing Bruce Ohr Continued as Intermediary Between Christopher Steele and Robert Mueller’s Team – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Uncovers Documents Showing Bruce Ohr Continued as Intermediary Between Christopher Steele and Robert Mueller’s Team

CTH: Judicial Watch has received documents from a previous FOIA request to the DOJ which highlight the extent of the communication between DOJ official Bruce Ohr and the FBI.

While there was prior knowledge of the role of Ohr as an FBI intermediary between Fusion-GPS, Chris Steele and the FBI during the original counterintelligence investigation, the new documents show Ohr continued in his role well into Mueller’s appointment.

In essence, after the FBI claimed to have broken off formal use of Chris Steele; and long after Robert Mueller took over the investigation; Ohr remained an intermediary between Chris Steele and Robert Mueller’s special counsel team.

Obviously this begs the question: if the special counsel was simply investigating the truth of the dossier, why would Robert Mueller want/need an intermediary as opposed to directly being in contact with, and questioning, the dossier author directly?  more

7 Comments on Judicial Watch Uncovers Documents Showing Bruce Ohr Continued as Intermediary Between Christopher Steele and Robert Mueller’s Team

  1. It’s already known the investigator is a guilty POS, going back many years, and more than one accusation. We don’t need any more investigations, we need prosecutions! This whole story would never be believed if it came out as a fictitious movie or book.

  2. @Left Coast Dan

    None of those people will ever go to trial because there will always be a liberal/progressive that will hang the jury just because they’re democrats.

    It’s up to God and that’s how I pray.


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