Julian Assange Freed After Reaching Plea Deal with Justice Department – IOTW Report

Julian Assange Freed After Reaching Plea Deal with Justice Department

The court documents revealing Assange’s plea deal were filed Monday night in the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands.

The Northern Mariana Islands are a U.S. territory in the Pacific Ocean.

Under the deal, Assange will appear in that court to be sentenced to 62 months in prison, with credit for the time he has already served in Belmarsh. This will allow him to return to his home in Australia.

The charges he will plead guilty to fall under “Conspiracy To Obtain and Disclose National Defense Information.” MORE

26 Comments on Julian Assange Freed After Reaching Plea Deal with Justice Department

  1. @Brad — I think Assange might get some good advice and perhaps help from Ed Snowden. You just KNOW there are countless govt creeps who want Ed dead, and Ed’s still among the living.

  2. Uncle Al
    If you’re insinuating Assange seek asylum in Russia I totally agree. I think it’s about his only chance. I’m sure they’ll welcome Pam Anderson in too.

  3. How the worm turns.
    It used to be that Russians would seek asylum and freedom in the West.
    Now Westerners are seeking asylum and freedom in Russia.

  4. ^^^
    And meanwhile Antony Blinken is doing everything possible to start a thermal nuclear war with them. I guess he’d rather take his chances with nuclear fallout rather than face Trump.

  5. I’m thinking he must have agreed to some sort of an NDA, otherwise this wouldn’t have happened. If that’s the case the only place he is likely safe is Russia.

  6. “I’m thinking he must have agreed to some sort of an NDA,”

    I have to disagree with you there pal. Let’s say he signs an NDA and two months later outs our entire federal government. What are they going to do? Sue for damages? No they can’t risk it. Dead man walking.

  7. first started locking himself up in 2012, on account of obama….been locked up one way or another ever since…..somehow, “twelve years a slave” comes to mind…..he needs to pack up his wife and kids and room with snowden for a while…..maybe steven seagal can help…or tara reade……anyone up for a givesendgo?

  8. Fuck W, Obama, Trump, and Biden for all of the shit that led to the deep state bureaucrats for dragging this shit out for so long. At least Assange is not dead, unlike the victims of U.S. Karenism upon whom Assange reported.

  9. I am happy that he is “free” for now. But for some reason, I don’t think he is a threat to the Deep State. Wanna know why?

    Well, we have ALL this proof; video, testimony, written documents, etc. and NOTHING seems to matter. No one is going to prison, no one is being kicked out of office or the country (Ilhan Omar), and no one has been stopped from getting rich on their congressional salary (insider trading).

    What in the world do they have to fear from Assange? The DOJ is bought, FBI, Congress, Media, Judicial; they are all in on it. Who will act on any more “proof”?

    But, I still have faith in God. He has not been silent or inactive. When I see the black community uprising against their ‘masters’ in the Democrat party, I have hope. When young women wake up to the fact they might be drafted, I have hope. When Alec Baldwin can’t get out of his latest charge of manslaughter, I have hope.

    Something is happening.

  10. While I’ve never agreed with what Assange was doing, there never any doubt but that the charges against him were initiated because he dared to embarrass the great man-god obama. Now after all these years and all that has come out that the government has been/is doing to control the information flow in America, I can see how much a threat someone can be to a government trying to build itself on the 1984 model….and how far they’ll go to silence him. Julian, watch your back. You embarrassed Hillary, too.


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