Julian Castro Struggles to Provide Specifics on What Qualifies Him to Be President – IOTW Report

Julian Castro Struggles to Provide Specifics on What Qualifies Him to Be President

WFB: Former Obama administration official Julian Castro on Sunday struggled to define how his background qualifies him to be the next president of the United States.

Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio, Texas, and Obama’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 2014 to 2017, spoke on ABC’s “This Week” about his potential 2020 presidential bid.

Anchor George Stephanopoulos noted that Castro didn’t have foreign policy experience and then asked him what he believes is the “greatest national threat” and what qualifies Castro to tackle this issue.

“Well, I believe that today, the greatest threat to our national security is the fact that this president, as one of your previous guests has said, is damaging the relationships that we’ve had in place in the post-World War II era whether it’s NATO or other alliances with individual countries that have kept us safer,” Castro said. “The first thing that I would do if I were president with regard to our relationships around the world is to strengthen them because those alliances have helped keep us safe.”

Stephanopoulos followed up by pressing him on what makes him qualified to be the next commander-in-chief.

“Well, I—as I said earlier, I think that being mayor of a large city and serving in the president’s cabinet certainly qualifies one to be commander in chief, and I’m going to go out there and make the case,” said Castro.  more


13 Comments on Julian Castro Struggles to Provide Specifics on What Qualifies Him to Be President

  1. That dumb SOB thinks our allies kept us safe? I’m pretty sure it’s us that kept them safe, and we did it out of our pocket. Our allies got to experiment with socialism while they held us up and took everything we would give them. And we gave them plenty. What a jackass!

  2. Yeah Joe6pak. “They kept us safe.” This guy Castro is brilliant. Along the lines of Barack Obama: “The Japanese dropped a bomb on Peril Harbor.” “I visited all 57 States and still have two to go, Alaska and Hawaii.” “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” This guy will be perfect.

  3. Beware of these caitiffs. Believe me they will do damage to our nation in the future. Remember what John Adams (I think) said:
    Our Constitution is made for a religious and decent people, it can not be governed by anything less. I’m not sure of the exact quote but what he meant was clear.
    But what he said is clear to me. Not so with our democrats today;
    They are neither religious nor decent
    Think about it: Schumer, Pelosi Schiff Nadler. Feinstein, Swallowald in government, and Don Lemon, Matthews, Maddow, Mika and Joe, Stelser, Wallacw, Hayes, and on an on in the democrat camp
    Godless people. A two year attack on our President, to no avail, but they are still trying. They will never give up, but their hatred will consume them.
    God Bless _President Trump, and God Bless America . I’m sighing off for the night.


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