June Jobs Report – IOTW Report

June Jobs Report

CTH: The Bureau of Labor Statistics presents the latest snapshot of jobs and employment.  According to the BLS data, behind the 213,000 jobs added, the most significant gains all center around growth in durable goods, manufacturing, transportation/distribution and the ancillary business services directly connected to the blue collar sector.

In addition, April was revised up from +159,000 to +175,000, and the change for May was revised up from +223,000 to +244,000. With these revisions, employment gains in April and May combined were 37,000 more than previously reportedmore here

4 Comments on June Jobs Report

  1. I hired a young once. He had loser tattooed on his forehead. A friend of one of my sons who begged me to give him a shot. So I did. Second week on a Monday he calls in sick. I get on the phone and ask him what hurts. He replies he thinks he has morning sickness.

  2. We couldn’t get people to work in our segment of the nuke industry.

    Even with paying for their 2 yr degree, work while schooling, and a guaranteed job when done.

    The applicants either didn’t have an alarm clock, couldn’t read a calender, or couldn’t pee ‘clean’ in a bottle.

    This was a very lucrative offer

  3. Bad_Brad & .45-70 – I’m sure you both know that the problems you stated are a nationwide problem. I have several friends who own their own business and cannot find “workers” who will actually work (or show-up for work).

  4. When Newt + Bill passed a law basically killing welfare in’96 somehow folk found jobs. the economy boomed! the deficit turned into a surplus. Marxist economists worried how the Fed would run the economy when there were no federal bonds to trade. Well we put a liberal in the White House and they stopped worrying.

    then from 2001 to 2004 a progressive President issued 5 EO’s to not only resurrect welfare but make it 3 times as expensive as it was in ’96. Can you name this leftist President?
    Hint He put the liberal Kavanaugh on the Fed Bench.


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