Juror dismissed in Gov. Whitmer kidnapping trial for alleged flirting with a defendant – IOTW Report

Juror dismissed in Gov. Whitmer kidnapping trial for alleged flirting with a defendant


Afemale juror was dismissed during the trial of three defendants charged in an alleged plot to kidnap the Democratic governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer. The juror was allegedly flirting with one of the defendants, Fox News reports. 

Jackson County Judge Thomas Wilson made an announcement on Friday that the female juror was removed from the jury because attorneys raised concerns over too much “nonverbal communication” with defendant Paul Bellar, according to the Jackson Citizen Patriot.

“It didn’t just happen on one day — it happened over multiple days,” Wilson said, according to Fox. “I decided it’s safer to err on the side of caution.” more here

10 Comments on Juror dismissed in Gov. Whitmer kidnapping trial for alleged flirting with a defendant

  1. In a courtroom, during a trial, is one hell of a place for a zipless fuck.

    And that’s before we even get to the fact that the participants are juror and defendant.

  2. Cut her some slack, being a juror is boring. Unfortunately I have never had a cute female defendant when I was on Jury duty. I guess pulling a Tubin would get you disqualified and back to work.

  3. The fix is in.

    The FBI probably got the idea that the juror was honest – that she refused to convict before the trial – so they had her jettisoned.

    Only a fool would believe a “judge” and/or a lawyer.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I was a roughneck, single, and I didn’t have time to be playing juror. In Odessa Texas there was a lot of prostitution. I’m enough of a libertarian to believe that if you need to rent your body out to keep beans on the table, or maybe to finance your bachelor’s degree, that’s your business. So I was paying attention to that woman. And someone spotted it and I got to go home. I messed up, I should have lost the earnings, sat on the jury and refused to convict,but at the time I just wanted to go back to my life.
    And the FBI probably Did screw those guys. They are guilty until proven innocent in my eyes.

  5. It was a shoplifting case and the defense was: she put the stuff in her purse because she didnt have a shopping bag…and then it slipped her mind at checkout…could happen to anyone. I failed to keep a straight face (a mere smile), the defense attorney was outraged and I was escorted from the juror box and outta the joint.

    Well. Excuuuuse me. Never was called again.


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