Jury Deliberating in Michael Sussmann Trial, Judge Cooper Proactively Announces Will Not Read the Verdict Until Tuesday – IOTW Report

Jury Deliberating in Michael Sussmann Trial, Judge Cooper Proactively Announces Will Not Read the Verdict Until Tuesday

CTH: Closing arguments have wrapped up in the trial of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann. The jury is now deliberating.  In an unusual twist, trial Judge Christopher Cooper said if a verdict arrives today, he will withhold reading the outcome until Tuesday due to prior commitments.

Despite the evidence that Michael Sussmann lied to FBI officials about the reason for him bringing the Clinton campaign manufactured false information about a Trump-Russia connection via Alfa-Bank in Trump Tower, it is highly unlikely Sussmann will be found guilty.  The reason is simply that regardless of whether he told FBI officials the material came from Hillary Clinton’s campaign; the FBI knew Sussmann was an operative of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.  It’s an issue of materiality.

Top leadership at the FBI concealed Sussmann as the Alfa-Bank source from the FBI investigators who were given the information.  Whether Sussmann lied about bringing the false evidence on behalf of the Clinton campaign was immaterial to how the evidence was handled.  Again, as CTH has said for the past two years, the background of Durham investigating the ‘outsiders’ is filled with pretending.  Even Andrew McCarthy, a defender of the institutions, outlined the FBI playing pretend as a “bad look.”

The New York Post has a solid article outlining all the pretending – “What we learned at the trial this week is that, notwithstanding Baker’s insistence that he believed Sussmann’s cover story, FBI headquarters officials fully realized they were acting on highly political information and took steps to conceal that fact. read more

12 Comments on Jury Deliberating in Michael Sussmann Trial, Judge Cooper Proactively Announces Will Not Read the Verdict Until Tuesday

  1. After this verdict, all of the people involved in the greatest political scandal in our Country’s history will say they are completely innocent. Then, they will resume blaming everything on Russian Collusion. At some point, President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton will claim vindication and blame her defeat on those devious Macedonian Content Farmers who were working for Vladimir Putin.

  2. By now, everyone who has followed this case knows they have hard evidence against Hillary. How, then, are they going to explain not prosecuting her? Or could that still happen as an outcome?

    (In other words, should I buy popcorn or sour alcoballs?)

  3. If we win the House, the future of our country rests on the new GOP Speaker exposing all the crimes under Pelosi. Don’t count on a swamp character like McCarthy to be that guy.


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