Jussie Smollett and the Media’s Confirmation Bias – IOTW Report

Jussie Smollett and the Media’s Confirmation Bias

Patriot Retort: I stumbled across a three-year-old tweet of Hoax Crime Actor Jussie Smollett that made me laugh out loud.

Yeah. I made screenshots because I’m guessing his lawyers might urge him to purge his irony-filled Twitter account in the near future.

Jussie has a lot to say about liars and fakers on Twitter.

And each tweet has aged about as well as a carton of eggs left out in the backyard for a month.  MORE

13 Comments on Jussie Smollett and the Media’s Confirmation Bias

  1. From James Woods……

    Nigerians and fake nooses, MAGA hats and a #CraftyBeaver. #CowFarts and trains to Hawaii. A lying Senator saying she’s a Cherokee. A #HeelsUp Senator sleeping her way to the bottom. Congresswoman married her own brother? Governor in a KKK robe. Ah, #Democrats!!! Gotta love ‘em!


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