Jussie Smollett: ‘I’m Pissed Off’ At People Who Don’t Believe I Was Attacked – IOTW Report

Jussie Smollett: ‘I’m Pissed Off’ At People Who Don’t Believe I Was Attacked

“I’m pissed off…It’s the attackers, but it’s also the attacks,” Jussie Smollett told ABC Good Morning America host Robin Roberts.

He continued, “It’s like, you know, at first it was a thing of like, listen, if I tell the truth then, that’s it, because it’s the truth. Then it became a thing of, like, oh, how can you doubt that?”

“Like, how can you not believe that? It’s the truth. Then it became a thing of, like, oh, it’s not necessarily that you don’t believe that this is the truth. You don’t even want to see the truth.”

And then he starts crying.


26 Comments on Jussie Smollett: ‘I’m Pissed Off’ At People Who Don’t Believe I Was Attacked

  1. Te way Smollett has refused to cooperate in investigating his claims by withholding and then redacting his phone records, a key part of his claims needed to support them, has left me in a position of wanting a whole bunch of real hard evidence to convince me it is true.

    Until I see that proof presented I am now assuming it is a hoax.

    So, Jussie, the ball’s now in your court. Put up or shut up.

  2. Like, that queer is like, a lying little bitch.

    I’d say he, like, got what he was after, national publicity. The sob story will be pulled out and used by the queers for the next 20 years as evidence of abuse and bullying.

  3. Today, we are to always lend credence to someone if they hate whites, are a minority, and if they practice sodomy.

    And this in a nutshell is why the left should always be viewed as a threat to civilization – they are crazy freaks.

  4. He’s just another beta male the media can hold up in frame as a role model for younger generations. Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, he’s playing the part against “toxic masculinity” and continued destruction of traditional families in America. Advancing mental illness as a good thing at all cost.

  5. I’m pissed off – everyone is supposed to believe Trump supporters are racist rednecks that live and work in Chicago and watch an all black show Empire, target a largely unknown actor, hang out in Chicago on one of the coldest nights in history with a rope and bleach just hoping for such a famous black GAY star such as myself to come down the street minding my own business just trying to get home to eat my Subway sandwich. Yeah, surprising no one believes this crap.

  6. Jussie has a great future with Subway. Anyone (gay or despondent) able to defend themselves from a horrible, racist, sixty second attack by two men (probably white or maybe something else) at that hour in freezing weather, while being threatened with a lynching (by a pencil thin rope {with or without a noose}), scratched and with injured ribs (broken or just bruised {take your pick}), doused with some kind of unidentifiable bleach (caustic or not) who has the presence of mind to protect the Subway sandwich deserves a job as a homosexual spokesman for this fast food outlet. Jussie, your future is assured!

  7. Call me crazy, but I see an openly gay black dude walking freely around this country, a rich and semi-famous dude,expecting special treatment even, whining about how shitty this country is, and my immediate response is “Stop your whining, bitch. Try swinging this level of openness in Africa, or try Saudi Arabia or Iran and see how you fare.”

    All of us suspect that what happened here is he was out cruising for dick at 2AM and ran into another homo who liked his auto-erotic asphyxiation especially rough.

    Rather than take it to the ER and lick his wounds for being stupid, he decided to fabricate a tale to turn it into a National Story to slam the President and his supporters.

    I live in Chicago. I’ve never seen two dudes in MAGA hats, let alone at 2AM when its 20 below zero on a Monday, looking for black pole-smokers to string up.

    Screw him.

    I hope the next time he tries this perversion he gets the same result as Michael Hutchence and Kung Fu did.

  8. Don’t it just break your heart that nobody believes this fairy tale ?

    If only he made the story a bit more plausible , like adding
    ” and I heard Trump over Redneck Attacker #1’s speaker phone saying
    ‘ Helluva job bleaching that gay Ninja ,boys! This IS MAGA country and you boys are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN !!!’. ”

    Al Sharpton really needs to write a ‘How-To’ primer on race-hoaxing with handy tips…
    Example: ( Step One: Go EASY on the bullshit. )
    because this new generation of ‘hate-crime’ fraudsters is just getting laughed at.

  9. “It’s like, you know, at first it was a thing of like, listen, if I tell the truth then, that’s it, because it’s the truth. Then it became a thing of, like, oh, how can you doubt that?”

    I know, right? It’s indelible in the hippocampus.

  10. He sounds just like a child trying to convince a parent he’s really, really telling the truth, REALLY! What a psycho, mental case of arrested development.
    Who lev5er his butt mate is who actually beat him up, is going too be pissed Smollett is getting all the attention and should soon rat him out as a big queer liar. Stay tune for the next episode of “Smollets MEGA Tale”.

  11. I think Jussie has a little cocaine problem. Too much of what he’s saying lately sounds like cokehead bluster. Hell, I bet he got bitch-slapped in a bad drug deal, instead of a gay sex deal.

    “Trouble ahead, trouble behind,
    And you know that notion just crossed my mind…”

  12. Burner: Jared is so yesteryear, and he’s currently rusticating in a Wine and Cheese Pairing Facility. Jussie was seen carrying that unmolested Subway sandwich back into his homostead by the night clerk. This probably accounts for the lack of any bruises on his knuckles. If a video of Jussie fending off those MAGA cap wearing racists ever turns up, I’ll bet it clearly shows him protecting the Subway sandwich behind his back or clutching it to his chest. How else could that Subway sandwich survive a sixty second, brutal assault by two racists white Trump supporters?

  13. Never heard of him, wonders though where he was edumacted. “ ‘Cause I like missed that, day when like people got taught like how to spell like their like first name, that’s it”


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