Jussie Smollett Remains Determined to Play the Victim – IOTW Report

Jussie Smollett Remains Determined to Play the Victim

Daily Signal: In the you-just-can’t-make-this-stuff-up category, we interrupt the impeachment proceedings to return to the Jussie Smollett drama. 

The latest head scratcher is the fact that Smollett has filed a two-count counterclaim against the city of Chicago, claiming malicious prosecution. That’s right.

Smollett is suing the city for malicious prosecution because he filed a bogus police report about a hate crime that didn’t happen, and in spite of the fact that Cook County prosecutor Kim Foxx let him off the hook for it. That’s gratitude for you.

Let’s unpack this Alice-in-Wonderland comedy. read more

16 Comments on Jussie Smollett Remains Determined to Play the Victim

  1. Looks like he’s being paid to be the “whack-a-mole”, mole. Hey, look over here, no look over here…distract from the big news? Hmmm. Truth is always strange. He does appear to have the correct proportions of arrogance and crazy to be used as a tool in a means to an end.

  2. If Americans didn’t fight wars for freedom, did Americans fight the British to help the English stay in the USA during the Revolutionary War?

    If Americans didn’t fight wars for freedom, did Americans fight the Germans to help Germany invade France in WWI?

    If Americans didn’t fight wars for freedom, did Americans fight to help Germany and Japan expand their empires in WWII?

    If Americans didn’t fight wars for freedom, did Americans fight to help Korea and Vietnam become Communist?

    If Americans didn’t fight wars for freedom, did Americans fight to help Iraq invade Kuwait?

  3. He’s showcasing the Chicago justice system for the joke it is. Officials are too cowardly to give this jackass the punishment he has coming. Every decision is based on appeasing the loud mouthed radicals.

  4. Each time he says it becomes more true in his own mind…

    Fictionalism says it could have happened that way so it did.

    That’s what we;re fighting in the minds of these clowns… if it sounds like it could have happened it probably did hence it’s true….like President Trump’s impeachable offense(s).

    Don’t call them liars, they are fact finders.


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