Jussie Smollett Sentenced for Fake Race Hoax – IOTW Report

Jussie Smollett Sentenced for Fake Race Hoax


Notorious and convicted hate-hoaxer Jussie Smollett has been sentenced today to 150 days in jail, $120,000 in restitution, and a $25,000 fine. Before Smollett was taken away he started yelling, “I am not suicidal! If anything happens to me when I go in there I did not do it to myself.”

“I did not do this,” he continued.

Judge James Linn denied the defense’s motion for a new trial. He also denied the motion to stay the sentence until appeal. “I am not staying this,” said the judge. “This happens right here right now.” Smollett was led out of the court by police with his fist raised in the air.

Judge Linn tore into Smollett during his sentencing and said that for a person with his background in social justice to now be sitting in front of him convicted of faking a hate crime, “the hypocrisy is just astounding.” Judge Linn also denied that this was a crime of impulse and told Smollett that he had premeditated his crime. “You did wake up in the morning thinking you were going to do something bad and wrong,” he said. “You paid them in advance by check. You chose a date, you chose a time, you had props prepared…and then you did rehearsals!”

Judge Linn continued going over every detail of the faked hate crime in painstaking detail. “I repeat,” said the judge after describing the events. “You put the noose around your own neck. You caused great distress throughout the city and the community…that’s why we are here now.” watch

45 Comments on Jussie Smollett Sentenced for Fake Race Hoax

  1. Nah. Dudes got money. He’s safe as long as he continues to pay for protection.

    Plus, no way he’s goin’ in the yard. He’s gonna’ demand protective custody……so they’ll put him in the unit reserved for snitches an child molesters.

  2. “I am not suicidal! If anything happens to me when I go in there I did not do it to myself.”

    Yes Jussie, Jeffery Epstein didn’t kill himself but George Floyd did! Food for thought!

  3. How many YEARS do you think any White Colored Man would have been sentenced to for what this Black Colored Homosexualist Hate Hoaxer tried to pull off? Jussie got a light sentence. Much too light.

  4. I’d wager about 99% of what gets touted in the news as “hate crimes” against black people is done by black people to stir up hatred against whites. And it clearly works.

  5. He got smoked, I think that is the meaning.

    I know I’m old fashion but let’s bring back the public stocks, you know, where the offender is displayed at the public square with his head and hands locked in the wooden stocks. Most times they also had to wear a sign,”I’m a doofus and did something extra stupid”. Public shaming has its place.

  6. I think I’m liking my avatar, I’ll be keeping it. If I’m assigned a new one I’ll probably be fine with that to. So Loco, I’ll probably continue to disappoint you for my avatar.

  7. I listened to the court room crap. First the judge was exactly correct. Second, Jussey thinks he should get off because he’s a Fag and Black. That’s two get out of jail free cards fer Christ Sake. And he got nada. This shit ain’t right.

  8. It’s getting so hard nowadays for Hate Crimes being believable by the general public that even professional actors can’t convince the vast majority.

    Oops! WATCH OUT!…Sssssh! Here comes Tyrone and his hold-down “girlfriend”, Coricedin.

  9. He reminds me of a woman that ran into me about 6 years ago.

    She could not admit anything. Her car was still straddling the lane divider and she kept saying “no it isn’t” about 12 times when I kept saying LOOK! You car is still partially in my lane!

    At least 12 times. I felt sorry for any family or co-workers that had her in their lives.

    BTW Yay dash cams. It shuts that stuff down immediately. My insurance provider had a fun time after I gave them the footage. No more he-said she-said.

  10. “It’s getting so hard nowadays for Hate Crimes being believable by the general public that even professional actors can’t convince the vast majority.”

    I haven’t seen a real one in decades. They are 100% fake lately.

  11. Big Mustaffa Tyrone Washington Jefferson is waiting to welcome him to the Graybar Resort and Anal Stretching/Wrecking Clinic for wayward hoaxers. Aloha Snackbar bitch.

  12. Juicy didn’t kill himself, his asshole just fell out and let his brains escape…

    I found that comment interesting, did he decide to blackmail (no pun intended) Commiela and Cory who obviously put him up to this?

    I bet he said he would spill the beans if sentenced to real time, and 150 days may be a cake walk but brother Juicey may not survive it.


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