” The principal models being prohibited:
- M16, AR-10, AR-15 rifles and M4 carbine
- Ruger Mini-14 rifle
- US Rifle M14
- Vz58 rifle and CZ858 rifle
- Robinson Armament XCR rifle
- CZ Scorpion EVO 3 carbine and pistol
- Beretta Cx4 Storm carbine
- SIG Sauer SIG MCX and SIG Sauer SIG MPX carbines and pistols
- Swiss Arms Classic Green and Four Seasons series rifles”
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau announced a ban on 1,500 different firearms on Friday, effective immediately.
CBS News reports that the new list of prohibited firearms centers on “assault-style” guns. Trudeau said, “These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. There is no use and no place for such weapons in Canada.”
The ban contains an amnesty period, allowing current owners of the firearms up to two years to comply.
Public Safety Minister Bill Blair commented on the ban, saying, “As of today, the market for assault weapons in Canada is closed,” Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said. “Enough is enough. Banning these firearms will save Canadian lives.” read more
Slaves cannot be armed.
Canuks are slaves.
My – how a century changes a nation – a people.
izlamo delenda est …
When they figure out a single shot rifle can kill they will ban them all.
Two Years is a lot of Time to “Lose” a Gun..
P.S. Did We ever learn the Political leanings of that Shooter?
A fukkin rock can kill.
During the battle of Plataea a rock was thrown which killed Mardonius, thus changing History.
Jussie would be better served by banning rocks – since rocks have killed more would-be tyrants than guns.
izlamo delenda est …
“Liberal tyrants were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time.”
edited for accuracy.
Freedom takes a big hit in Canada. I will never go there again, forever.
“These weapons were designed for one
purpose and one purpose only: to kill
the largest number of commie tyrants in
the shortest amount of time”. Fixed it for
Castro’s boy.
Trudeau is a freak, and the people of Canada won’t remove him, they deserve every sick thing he wants to do to them.
This is what the people of Canada want, gun confiscations were a clearly expressed intent when he was elected.
In any form of democracy, the people choose the representatives whose policies they want.
They have the government they, as a whole, want.
That’s weird, the list of 1500 firearms matches everything on Canada’s semi-auto firearms registry.
The people of Canada just cannot untie themselves from the queens ‘apron strings”. They have never expressed the revolutionary spirit of the US and apparently never will. They will descend into a third world country as more immigrants show up. We should close our borders to them.
The U.S. needs to prepare for the mass exit of anti-gun Americans, fleeing to the safety of canadia ….
A lesson for us here…..the more you tolerate, the more you’ll get!
Awww..geee…..sorry orificer, I can’t turn in my registered gunz. I lost them overboard while crossing a deep lake during hunting season. What a loss.
The Canucks deserve what they get just like we did with Obutthole!
Gun bans work so well in Chicago.
When Seconds count, the police are just minutes away.
I’m sure there is a study that shows crime goes up when guns are banned.
To prove his point, his body guards will no longer carry guns.
But, that seems to be the Democrats/Liberal agenda. The more people live in fear and poverty, the easier they are to control.
To put into context this move on the part of Trudeau watch this documentary
The link is to The Soviet Story and it is a great look at progressivism and its implications.
Slaves. China? Sure, but bring American manufacturing home from Canada too…same-same. Heck, word is that Vancouver is a Chinese colony.
The idiot even banned some web sites and a locksmith! Yea lots of research went into this ban no knee jerking there.
There are NO guaranteed rights in Canada. The Parliament at a whim, can rule that all type of X people need to be executed and it would be so. This move just ensures that the sheeple called Canadian citizens cannot resist being put into ovens.
Wonder how long ole Justin Castro has been waiting for the excuse to ban guns. Wouldn’t surprise me if swarmy turd didn’t set this little shooting incident up.
justa turd-hole, continuing to suck muslim & gun-c**trol d**k
“Registration isn’t about confiscation.”
Like hell it isn’t.
“There is no use and no place for such weapons in Canada.”
I imagine the police would not be happy with that statement.
I doubt they only carry bolt actions and revolvers.
In Britain you cannot own an air gun that generates over 6 ft lbs of energy for a handgun or 12 ft lbs of energy for long guns w/o what is known as a FAC. That would be a Firearms Certificate.
Canada has just reclassified, by judicial fiat, a Daisy Red Rider as a firearm. Think I’m kidding?
“This decision applies to all air guns that are capable of causing serious bodily injury or death. Most courts have found that any air gun with a velocity of more than 214 feet-per-second meets this threshold. The vast majority of air guns sold across the country are capable of such a velocity.
This decision will have numerous significant impacts on those who buy and use air guns lawfully in Canada.“
Here is an overview of what the Brits have inflicted on themselves
-Non-locking knives with cutting edges of 3 inches or less, kubotans and “marker sprays” (such as X-marker and EveAid) can be carried without “valid justification”.
– “Knives which have a blade opening automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife” and “knives which have a blade released from the handle or sheath thereof by the force of gravity or the application of centrifugal force and which, when released, is locked in place by means of a button, spring, lever, or other device” are legal to possess for private use in one’s home but illegal to manufacture, sell, hire, offer for sale or hire, expose for the purpose of sale or hire, have in one’s possession for the purpose of sale or hire, lend or give to any other person.
– All other knives are legal to purchase, manufacture and possess for private use in one’s home but may not be carried without “valid justification”.
– Swords (with the exception of imitation katanas), machetes, axes and spears are legal to purchase, manufacture and possess for private use in one’s home but may not be transported without “valid justification”.
– Imitation katanas (defined as katanas manufactured in a non-traditional manner) are legal to possess for private use in one’s home but illegal to sell, hire, offer for sale or hire, expose for the purpose of sale or hire, have in one’s possession for the purpose of sale or hire, lend or give to any other person.
– Batons and clubs of all kinds are legal to possess for private use in one’s home but illegal to carry, manufacture, sell, hire, offer for sale or hire, expose for the purpose of sale or hire, have in one’s possession for the purpose of sale or hire, lend or give to any other person.
– Slingshots are not considered weapons under UK law, but carrying a slingshot may be punished under the “Prevention of Crime Act 1953”.
– Bows and crossbows are legal to purchase, manufacture and possess for private use in one’s home but their transport is subject to the same regulations as that of live firearms.
– Air pistols generating less than 8.1 joules and air rifles generating less than 16.2 joules (of muzzle energy) are legal to purchase and possess for private use in one’s home and on land where one has “lawful authority to shoot over”, their transport is subject to the same regulations as that of live firearms.
– “Imitation firearms” (defined as realistically coloured imitations of firearms whose model entered production from the year 1870 onwards) are legal to possess for private use in one’s home and on land where one has “lawful authority to shoot over” but illegal to sell, hire, lend or give to any person who is not a registered member of an official airsoft team.
– The possession of “section 2 firearms” requires a “shotgun certificate” or “SGC”. Shotguns with a barrel longer than 24 inches and a capacity of 2+1 or less rounds are classed as “section 2 firearms”.
Owning “section 2 firearms” is a right under UK law.
– The possession of “section 1 firearms” and any ammunition other than shot shells requires a “firearm certificate” or “FAC”. Manually-loaded rifles, self-loading rifles of a caliber of .22 or lower, pump-action rifles of a caliber of .22 or lower, air rifles generating 16.2 or more joules of muzzle energy and shotguns with a barrel shorter than 24 inches or a round capacity higher than 2+1 are classed as “section 1 firearms”.
– The possession of “section 5 firearms”, including but not limited to: handguns, air pistols generating 8.1 or more joules of muzzle energy, automatic firearms, self-loading rifles of a caliber higher than .22, pump-action rifles of a caliber higher than .22, front-firing blank guns, “devices designed to emit noxious gasses or other things”, “launchers and mortars designed to propel a stabilized projectile with exception of pyrotechnical devices”, “any kind of grenade or bomb with the exception of pyrotechnical devices”, “cane-swords and other disguised weapons”, brass knuckles (and similar devices such as SAP gloves) and nunchaku are illegal to possess and carry unless one has a “section 5 authority”, in addition, it is illegal to manufacture, sell, hire, offer for sale or hire, expose for the purpose of sale or hire, have in one’s possession for the purpose of sale or hire, lend or give away such weapons unless one has “lawful authority” to do so.
– Shot shells (defined as rounds of ammunition containing 3 or more projectiles) are legal to possess without a “shotgun certificate” but illegal to sell, hire, lend or give to any person who is not in possession of a “shotgun certificate”.
Cloward-Piven Strategy
The plebes who wasted “their” money on guns, were — only — intent on hoarding them. They were never intended for use. At least not, according to The Party, their proper use. Using them would affect future expected profits. So they sat. In storage. Waiting. For a sign: “MO MONEYZ!” (And, conveniently, inflating prices — always a “good” sign, when you’re hoarding.)
So, The Party takes their (not “their”) hoarded goods back? For the good of The party. And the hoarders, might, freeze. To death. After a winter. Or two. And? “Their” property is still there. To be foreclosed on. By The Bank. The Bank of The Party. (A distinction, without a difference.)
Hmm? What? Did I fail to mention a venue? Oh, bother.
The anonymous with brain damage shows up, again.
He believes he makes sense, and that is the scary part.
Because Lord knows that someone who plans ahead and dresses up like a police officer and makes his car look like a police car in order to kill a bunch of people would never try to think of another way of accomplishing the same thing without using a gun.
Meanwhile people will have to depend on the Keystone Mounties for protection.
Trudeau is morphing himself into a the type of dictator he and his father admire and wanted(ed) to be themselves. This banning act is being done now for several reasons.
The first is to draw attention away from the inept almost criminal job they’ve done in handling the Wuhan Virus. Handling that is directly responsible for the needless deaths of thousands of Canadians along with the destruction of the economy, the beggaring of a frighteningly large portion of the people and the mind-boggling expansion of government deficits and debt ensuring that Canada will never be deficit free again.
The second is that the opposition Conservative Party is in the middle of a leadership race and unable to mount an effective opposition to this travesty.
Finally by bypassing Parliament on a vote of this magnitude he’s testing the waters for a more frequent use of this trickery to remove more of Canadian freedom.
He has to be stopped and I only hope it’s at the ballot box and that Canadians can wake up from this damn coma they’ve been in for the last six years.
Candadians need to get with it. They should ban trudeau.
The ban contains an amnesty period, allowing current owners of the firearms up to two years to comply.>>
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, now is the time for you guys to separate and join America. We would become one of the largest land masses on the planet with largest oil and gas reserve and farming ability on the planet. You get to keep your guns plus since your mostly conservative you would add to the strength of America.My guess is BC would flip to us as well. Ontario and Canada would get hit hard, real hard with all the western wealth an natural resources gone.
Just ship the darned things to me, I live in Missouri. I will attempt to keep them in the condition received if you should ever need them back. I may need to sell a few to pay for storage cost. Thanks