Jussie Trudeau Says First Nations Pipeline Blockade Must End as 1,450 Workers Laid Off – IOTW Report

Jussie Trudeau Says First Nations Pipeline Blockade Must End as 1,450 Workers Laid Off

Breitbart: TORONTO (AP) – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday indigenous barricades that are blocking rail service across Canada and hurting the economy have to come down now.

Trudeau said that court injunctions must be obeyed and that the situation is unacceptable and untenable and every attempt at dialogue has been made over the last two weeks.

Protesters later left a barricade site south of Montreal late Friday after riot police arrived. They earlier had begun dismantling their encampment. A spokesman for the protesters vowed that other blockades would appear, and protesters remained at other rail protests sites.

Demonstrators have set up blockades in British Columbia, Ontario, Alberta and Quebec in solidarity with opponents of the Coastal GasLink pipeline project that crosses the traditional territory of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation in northwestern British Columbia. Some hereditary chiefs in the Wet’suwet’en First Nation oppose the natural gas pipeline, though it has received approval from elected band councils.

Trudeau said some people can’t get to work and others have lost their jobs. He said there is no point making the same overtures to indigenous leaders if they aren’t accepted.

“We can’t have dialogue when only one party is coming to the table,” Trudeau said. “The onus is on them.”

Via Rail, Canada’s passenger train service, said this week it is temporarily laying off 1,000 employees due to the continued halt in service on CN Rail’s tracks in eastern Canada caused by the blockades. CN Rail also announced 450 temporary layoffs.

The crisis is daily stranding goods worth an estimated 425 million Canadian dollars ($340 million), according to the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters trade group.

Trudeau said the army won’t be called in, saying troops aren’t used against Canadian citizens. He said removing the barricades must be done peacefully. more

13 Comments on Jussie Trudeau Says First Nations Pipeline Blockade Must End as 1,450 Workers Laid Off

  1. Lot of unrest starting to take root in Canada, a lot more than makes the news.

    Eventually it’ll get hot and disruptive enough that it can’t be ignored and minimized, and by that time the magnitude of it will be great enough that those taken by surprise will be dumbfounded about how they didn’t see it coming.

  2. I try not to comment on Trudeau as it has a real nasty effect on my blood pressure. I will say this though, as much as I detested his father Pierre Elliot Trudeau (for lots and lots of reasons) he would never have allowed this debacle to last more than a day or two before people started going to jail. His son is a spineless, lying coward who will lose his minority and be back at the polls before the end of this year.

  3. The piece of shit was on vacation for weeks pretending it was work while actually trying to buy a seat on the UN security council by bribing African assholes!

    The east coast shit heads & Newfs, voted for the little bastard. The Quebec pig fuckers voted 50%ish for cock face and 50%ish for separatist traitors.
    The Natives always go shit crazy when the Liberals are in power because they know they can fuck things up with no blow back.

    The Natives are blockading trains so no fuckin OIL, PROPANE CHLORINE, & apparently Plane De-icer.

    The East Coast Fuckers are shitting themselves (but they all voted for him) now that they are running out of the shit they need as Prime Minister Fucktard plays the violin as “Rome” burns.

    Meanwhile, 1 Man and a few followers (westerners) with pick up trucks hauled away one blockade in minutes while Cock face will not allow the police to enforce several court orders.

    Feds say it is a cop issue. Cops say it is a FED issue.(the cops are right as Canada has a ministry of wagon burner affairs, not the provinces.)

    Thus the world burns at 1:56am and 15 or so beers and a few shots later.

    Do You Guys see why I am embarrassed to be from this fucking joke of a country!!!!!!!

    Fuck me!

  4. “We can’t have dialogue when only one party is coming to the table,” Trudeau said. “The onus is on them.”

    For it is only “dialogue”, you see, if they agree to do what we say. Only an “open and honest dialogue”, if they agree that they will do what we say, before being offered “a seat at the table”.

  5. I was reading a CBC account yesterday about the Alberta-Saskatchewan separatist movement. It’s gaining steam and the Canadian establishment is getting really worried.

    Canada is a confederation, and the provinces are more loosely bound to the central government than the US states are. In addition to that, geography tends to support a more independent mindset, especially in the western prairie provinces.

    East and west are tenuously connected by two railroads and a single two-lane highway.


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