Jussie Trudeau suggests US-Canadian border could be restricted for some time – IOTW Report

Jussie Trudeau suggests US-Canadian border could be restricted for some time

Wa Examiner:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suggested that his nation’s border with the United States might continue to restrict visitors for some time.

The prime minister said on Tuesday that he wouldn’t consider the possibility of fully reopening the border until it was clear the world had a better handle on COVID-19.

“Until the virus is significantly more under control everywhere around the world, we’re not going to be releasing the restrictions at the border,” he told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, adding, “The situation in the United States continues to be extremely serious, and it will take a while to turn the ship around.” read more

14 Comments on Jussie Trudeau suggests US-Canadian border could be restricted for some time

  1. My mother lives across the river from me in Ontario. She’s 83 yrs. old and not getting younger. Have not seen her since February of this year. Can only visit by phone. The last few times I have talked with her she has been very emotional. All her family is here in the states and she misses them.

  2. This pronouncement is just this little nematodes way of taking a swipe at President Trump. It’s his way of disparaging our leadership without openly saying so.
    Being a Prissy and effeminate loser with a grudge isn’t going to pay off as he’ll be seeing in the near future.

  3. Real reasons:

    He wants to keep our best and brightest from leaving to go to the USA for better pay & opportunity. (nurses big time)
    He wants to prevent Canadians from crossing the boarder to buy a ton of things we need and want at a FAIR price. (Christmas)
    He does not want Canadians to see a country that is dealing with Covid AND actually WORKING through it and producing goods.

  4. He is however still allowing “Refugees” who are illegally in the USA to Cross into Canada at Roxham Road in Quebec as “Asylum seekers” and claim refugee status.

  5. That’s my boy! If ya wanna see his momma’s vulva, just Google “Margaret Trudeau Studio 54” and you will see her sans panties sitting with her knees up, displaying her diseased hot pocket for all the world to see.

  6. @Fidel
    His mom was about as moral as Obama’s

    If you liberate us, Once again, My house is the one with The 50 stars & stripes & The Betsy Ross 13

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