Jussie Trudeau tells Canadians to ‘stand up against racism, discrimination, and xenophobia’ but won’t acknowledge Uyghur genocide – IOTW Report

Jussie Trudeau tells Canadians to ‘stand up against racism, discrimination, and xenophobia’ but won’t acknowledge Uyghur genocide

Post Millennial:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released a statement on Sunday for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, urging Canadians to “stand up against racism, discrimination, and xenophobia, whenever and wherever they occur.”

Trudeau’s statement includes various hand-picked examples of how the Trudeau Liberals have dedicated themselves to fighting systemic inequalities in Canada. What the statement obviously forgets to mention is the Trudeau government’s weakness on the global stage in the face of China.

Apparently, “wherever and whenever they occur” does not include Xinjiang, China, right now.

The genocide of the Uyghur population by the Chinese government has triggered international outcry, with one thinktank finding that the CCP is breaching every single article in the United Nations genocide convention.

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13 Comments on Jussie Trudeau tells Canadians to ‘stand up against racism, discrimination, and xenophobia’ but won’t acknowledge Uyghur genocide

  1. I stand firmly and unequivocally against racism everyday and, especially, against it’s most virulent forms called ‘Affirmative Action, Quota’s, Reparations and Set Asides!

  2. In the world of the leftist ‘racism, discrimination, and xenophobia’ only exists to the extent that the progressive movement thinks they and exploit it to advance their agenda. They are nothing if not selective in their indignation. They NEVER stand on principal against any injustice. If they are taking a stand it is because they either think that they can advance their agenda by doing so or they wish to signal their virtue to others.

    Nobody with a lick of common sense is so naïve as to concede any sincerity whatsoever to them any longer. They are as genuine as a three dollar bill.

  3. Prime Minister Blackface!
    Prime Minister Groped a reporter!
    Prime minister Had an illicit relationship with one of his students when he taught at a private school.
    Prime Minister Fires an Indigenous Indian Justice Minister of Canada because she did not want to prosecute bribery & contract rigging.
    Prime Minister Broke so many of his own Covid rules.
    Prime Minister 3 active ethics comity violations (2 more than anyone ever)
    Prime Minister Mommy Got paid $250,000, as well as his Brother & Wife Sophie getting paid to speak at charities.

    The Coward of the cottage AND HE WILL GET RE-ELECTED

    Fuck Him! Immoral human Garbage!

  4. Evidently some diversity is more diverse than other diversity, thus deserving of still more diversity creds.
    What a great time to be …well, certainly not WHITE!!!


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