Just build your own … derp-derp-derpity-derp – IOTW Report

Just build your own … derp-derp-derpity-derp

Patriot Retort: Thanks to a well-coordinated attack from all sides, Parler has been taken down. I wonder if the “Just build your own alternative to Twitter” people are rethinking their myopic viewpoint.

Probably not.

If we’ve learned anything over the last several days, it’s that David French and the rest of the Cruise Ship “conservatives” who scoffed at us for years for raising the alarm about Big Tech were flat-out wrong.

“They’re a private company,” they sneered. “They can do what they want. If you don’t like how Twitter runs its business, just build your own social media platform.”

They really thought it was that simple.

Well, Parler did exactly what these myopic prats suggested. And how did that work out?

First Google and Apple removed Parler from their app stores.

Then Amazon booted Parler off its web hosting service.

Then every vendor that worked with Parler – from the lawyers to payment processing services – dropped them as well.

JuSt bUiLd yOuR oWn LaW FiRm. MORE

14 Comments on Just build your own … derp-derp-derpity-derp

  1. Given they both started profiting from violating the US Constitution and selling out the USA people, I quickly dropped both of these Social Media giants many years ago.

    While they were able to start in the USA given the Freedoms we have/had on Speech and open communications. But its about numbers and $$$$ and given CCP’s 1.6B possible new customers, they seem to have made a clear choice to side with Socialism and Communism for greater profits.

    So a few readers right now are asking why would CCP allow them in China? Think about their ability to deceptively spread the CCP’s Propaganda and act as a citizen data collection system.

  2. You and your neighbors start talking about the drug house down the street. Nobody in the neighborhood says they want it there. When you go down to the house to confront them you find all your neighbors in the house partaking of the drugs. That’s what I see with twitter, facebook and the others. Nobody wants them but everybody’s using them.

  3. Dianny nails Graham, “Tough talk, Senator Day Late and Dollar Short.” but fails to pin the exact same MO, that is Trey “Mr Tough Questioner” Gowdy’s bluster on Jim Jordan. IOW, a big ball sac but no ballz.

    yeah old Jim is one mean SOB when he’s got Jack in his Congressional Investigation sights. And boy, who tweets a meaner twit than old Jim? Boy you gotta give it to him, he’s one hell of a showman. And these days that is Requirement #1 to be a Republican. Put on a good showe for the rubes and then behind the curtain, take off the mask.

    Like to actually do something, even sponsor a pointless House bill to eliminate 230 protection? Not. A. Fucking. Chance.

    Can’t be ruffling any feathers, right Jim? Another worthless Republican.

    Sullivan’s Law says any conservative organization that doesn’t explicitly and constantly fight to maintain it’s values will swing left. There is no better example than the Republican Party.

  4. Parler’s mistake was not owning their own servers.
    With the commies in charge nothing will happen to the tech tyrants. Too much money going to the Dirty Dems.

    I like the Sen. Day late dollar short name for Gramnesty. Perfect

  5. MM in AR,
    You got it Bro.
    Why was Holder not arrested ?
    How about John Koskens or Loretta Lynch ?
    That woman with 33,000 emails on a server
    that Radioationman could hack on his fake-me-out
    Lenovo lap top….

  6. There is no way to truly “build your own”. Even if you buy a commercial building, fill it with servers and host it yourself, you’re still at the mercy of some ISP that can disconnect you because you “violated a term of service” that they just found emanating from their penumbra.


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