Just ‘Castreau’ Seeks Draconian Power to Imprison People Who Might Commit a Hate Crime – IOTW Report

Just ‘Castreau’ Seeks Draconian Power to Imprison People Who Might Commit a Hate Crime

Justin Trudeau’s far-left Canadian government is planning on putting anyone they suspect “might” commit a hate crime under house arrest.

The Daily Telegraph reports that the draconian policy will form part of the Trudeau regime’s ‘Online Harms Bill,’ designed to crack down on any opposition to the anti-progressive agenda.

One of the measures within the bill would give judges the power to place individuals under house arrest and force them to wear an electronic tag if they believe that individual could commit a hate crime in the future. more

24 Comments on Just ‘Castreau’ Seeks Draconian Power to Imprison People Who Might Commit a Hate Crime

  1. This is one of those things that is absolutely worth killing someone for trying to enforce it. At some point, it’s just better to die in a hail of bullets than spend the rest of your life being treated like a literal dog.

  2. Wylie1

    Nah, you’ll be fine after you get out of the re education camp.
    Every time I read about this faggot he’s taking more and more freedoms away from his subjects. It’s like he’s running some sort of experiment to see what it would take.

  3. “…anyone they suspect “might” commit a hate crime…”

    How about imprisoning anyone who HAS committed a hate crime? Such as Fidel Turdeau. Why isn’t HE in prison?

  4. But hating potential haters is OK?

    Good thing Canuks are subjects and not citizens!
    Otherwise they might kill the maggots who came up with this bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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