Just Hatin’ – IOTW Report

Just Hatin’


“C’mon and help out a bit. Stop bein’ mad all the time. Stop just hatin’ all the time. C’mon, let’s get some work done together.” [Barack Obama in Kansas City Wednesday – Hat Tip Breitbart]

Have you seen the Lois Lerner’s emails?

Dear me, Lois! Stop just hatin’ all the time!!

You know what Barack Obama calls Tea Party Conservatives?


Yup. The guy who is single-handedly stripping the dignity out of the office of President calls his political opposition Teabaggers.

Sweet merciful Zeus, Barack. Stop just hatin’ all the time!!!!

You ever heard the saying that if you are pointing a finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you?

Barack loves to whine about those meanie-meanie-jelly-beanie Republicans. They’re just hatin’ all the time. They’re bein’ mad all the time.

Meanwhile, three fingers are pointing back at the most hateful, spiteful, petulant, angry son of a bitch ever to occupy the Oval Office.


image: ihatethemedia

11 Comments on Just Hatin’

  1. He would know first hand (tongue) so to speak about teabagging. I’m sure it likes it when Reggie and Moochelle dip their balls into his mouth so he can suck on them.

  2. Oh he knows about teabagging. And that’s why Vlad won’t come anywhere near his handshake.
    The manchild only his slut momma could love. (His daddy left him asap)

    Drop dead, Barri

  3. It’s not you we hate barry, it’s your ungodly, un-American and unconstitutional policies we hate. I couldn’t give a rats rear end about you personally, it’s what you represent that I hate and your un- American, blame America first policies. Like Rush said I hope you fail!

  4. Barry! You frigging grew up in Hawaii! Stop trying to sound like a southern black man or an inner city thug.
    Gawd! What a tool!
    He sounds so immature and petulant and like some spoiled brat.
    Don’t you love how he always has a certain mix of people behind him?
    Commie Napoleon (the pig)elitist.

  5. “The guy who is single-handedly stripping the dignity out of the office of President”

    Let’s not forget all that Bill Clinton stripped from the dignity of the office. Stuff you can’t even discuss with children.

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