Just hours after release, “non-violent” criminal kills woman – IOTW Report

Just hours after release, “non-violent” criminal kills woman


Fox News reports on the arrest of a man suspected of killing a woman just hours after being released from state prison. David Bohart, 34, had been released from the Tucson state prison complex after serving a three-year stint for possession or use of dangerous drugs, according to the Arizona Department of Corrections. He had served two previous terms in prison on convictions for forgery and possession or use of dangerous drugs.

The murder victim is Marika Jones, 49, who was stabbed to death at home. Authorities say it’s not clear what connection Bohart had to Jones. However, they found a file of prison records regarding Bohart at the crime scene.

Note that Bohart was only in prison for possession or use of dangerous drugs. The federal felons for whom President Trump and other misguided conservatives seek early release are traffickers. As a group, they are more dangerous than mere users.

Bohart was a non-violent offender. His crimes were drug possession/use and forgery. Yet, it appears that he committed the most violent of crimes immediately upon release. This illustrates the foolhardiness of supposing that non-violent offenders pose very little risk of violence upon release from prison — a central assumption of the jailbreak legislation Trump supports. more here

8 Comments on Just hours after release, “non-violent” criminal kills woman

  1. “However, they found a file of prison records regarding Bohart at the crime scene.”

    Sounds like a personal beef centered on the fact this fellow went to prison. . . perhaps because of this woman? So, no prison time for drugs = no murder. The article make exactly the opposite case it tries to present.

  2. Jared Kushner is behind the big push for Trump to pass such legislation. It will be a huge mistake. Ann Coulter has a great article laying out the mayhem statistics that happen every time this policy has been passed previously. They are never in jail / prison for what they plea to and over 97% of cases plea out. If Trump wants to review certain cases like he has great but a blanket reduction of sentences and opening the prison doors isn’t going to end well.

  3. I would venture that someone does not get in the position of trafficking drugs without a willingness to use violence somewhere along the way. Those who were not willing to use violence probably never got past the street-level pusher.

  4. Which is why we need to reform our prison system. We don’t need prisons. Minor infractions should not require jail time. Fines, public service, slave labor, road crews, etc. Serious infractions should be punishable by death. Period.

  5. Does anyone really believe that this whole prison reform push would even be on the radar if not for the over represented percentage of blacks incarcerated?
    This is a reckless political move and will erode Trump’s support. He needs to ship his son-in-law and daughter back to NY, he’s getting enough bad advice without them.


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