Just How Bad a Candidate Will Hillary Be? – IOTW Report

Just How Bad a Candidate Will Hillary Be?

AmericanThinker: I asked last March, “Just How Bad a Candidate Would Hillary Be?”  As Hillary locks up the Democrat nomination, the question is “Just How Bad a Candidate Will Hillary Be?”  Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton may be the most pathetic presidential nominee of any major political party in our nation’s history.


First dispel the myth of her husband as a consummate politician.  Bill was a flop as governor of Arkansas and as president of the United States.  Bill managed to be the only Democrat in Arkansas state history to lose re-election as governor and won two presidential elections with a minority of the popular vote.  He entered the White House with huge Democrat majorities at every level of government and left with Democrats in the minority at every level of government.

Bill Clinton was impeached, disbarred, and found in contempt of court while president, which was a worse record of determined malfeasance than any president in history.  As an ex-president, Clinton seems frail, dull, and testy –  more

13 Comments on Just How Bad a Candidate Will Hillary Be?

  1. The GOP needs to stay focused on the real threat to the Republic and that would be another 4 to 8 years of the Clinton’s running wild.

    If that woman wins we deserve to have our country destroyed.

  2. She is satan. No doubt. That evil cackle of a demonic creature says it all. My friend had a dream she was stabbed to death by hummus in a lesbian rage.

  3. @Pelopidas, exactly.

    Good job, GOP, throwing your own kind under the bus and letting the Hillary criminal run free. Maybe I should just be a progressive, at least they stick to being retards.


  4. did you edit Trump out of the Clinton picture? just saying..

    serious suggestion how about doing a story Ross Perot is to Bill Clinton as Donald Trump is to Hillary? as Friends? as Bilderberg Buddies? or?

  5. Call me crazy, but I don’t think the rapist’s wife is going to be the candidate. You hear the stories coming out lately? The FBI leaks and now immunity for the guy who set up the server.

    I have a hunch that since Trump is looking more and more inevitable they don’t want to chance running her against him. They know they’ll need a rock star to have a chance against Trump. Maybe not literally a rock star, but literally a star.

    So she wins the primaries but then the indictment comes down before the convention. She’s forced to step down and so the argument is that there’s no way they can run the crazy old communist again Trump. Her delegates and the superdelegates then pick a very popular celebrity. Hell, what have they got to loose?

    I have no clue who it will be, but I won’t be surprised if that happens.

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