Just How Bad Is DNC’s Tom Perez? Pretty Bad. – IOTW Report

Just How Bad Is DNC’s Tom Perez? Pretty Bad.

AmericanThinker: Everyone seems to think the Democratic Party dodged a bullet in selecting former Labor Secretary Thomas Perez over radical Islamist Rep. Keith Ellison for party chairman. A look at Perez’s record shows that the party dodged nothing.

Ellison’s appeal to Democrats was in his openly deranged radical extremism, he was billed as the outsider, the upstart, the new wave to freshen up the stale party that had lost so badly last November. Perez was somehow declared the moderate by default. Fact is, he was just as extreme in his views, but less noisy than Ellison. Instead of Ellison’s cacaphony and creepy associates, Perez had a actual track record. It could be summed up as one damaging-to-democracy act after another, all in the name of advancing he Democratic Party’s partisan interests. What it means is that he places party over state, same as Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez did.

Interestingly enough, CASA de Maryland, a Soros-funded group dedicated to helping illegal immigrants flout U.S. immigration law that Perez headed up, took a $1.5 million donation in 2008 from the Venezuelan dictator. Perez seems to have taken Chavez’s philosophy along with it, which isn’t that surprising: His dad was a well-known henchman for Rafael Trujillo, the bemedaled, mirrored-sunglassed Idi-Amin-style thug dictator of the Dominican Republic who used to throw his opponents literally into the shark pools over his 30-plus years rule.  more

19 Comments on Just How Bad Is DNC’s Tom Perez? Pretty Bad.

  1. The D’s didn’t dodge anything. I read that as soon as Perez was elected he immediately nominated Ellison for deputy (or vice-chair) of the DNC and Ellison was elected to that. They got a two-fer.

    It would be good to read up on some of the media stories about the changes at the DNC. They are pretty detailed right now about the DNC’s plans and the new people at the state chair level, and what they mean to do in the coming year. A lot of it is “warring on Trump.”

  2. How are these people not being charged with treason? Not only are they not upholding the law, this dirt bag and others in our govt. and media are advocating BREAKING the law and ignoring our Constitution with the intended goal of bringing down our republic.

  3. The Dems have been put out at the curb. Keep your eyes on the GOP.
    McCain, Issa, et al, apparently truly have no shame and allegiance is owed only to their own portfolios.

  4. If you need any more proof that the media is the enemy of normal law-abiding Americans, see how much of this is hidden by the media.
    Have you heard of ANY controversies surrounding Perez? I haven’t.
    And that’s a big reason Perez was selected. Even the average Democrat doesn’t know this guy is every bit a radical nutcase as any of his opponents – probably more so.

  5. This could actually turn out well for conservatives. Depending how public these two dicks go, how honest they are in their views they may start driving the half of Democrats that still cling to the JFK idea of the Democrat Party out, or at least having them the decision to stay home on election day. These two would be dictators could end up destroying the Democrat Party. Having said that, bloggers have to stay on them, writing stories about them and sending letters to the editor or ombudsman when the media tries to cover up their political leanings.

  6. Can we be frank? The last 5 DNC Chairmen have all been radical leftists, some disguising themselves better than others.

    Donna Brazille
    Debbie Wasserman Schulz
    Timmy Kaine
    Howard Dean
    Terry McAuliffe

    Nothing changes over there.

  7. The other day it came out that Kevin De Leon Calif sen pres is not his real name. I keep looking for something further on this from iotw, the news. Anybody?
    If true this is HUGE and is a FELONY!

  8. BFH – we should dock you a day’s pay fer nappin’ on the job.

    Just look at Perez’s picture. It’s crying out for a Photoshopping.
    Slap white makeup on him, tinge his hair red, slap a red nose on him and BINGO – we got Bozo The Clown!

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