Just how far is Obama willing to go for this farce? – IOTW Report

Just how far is Obama willing to go for this farce?

Patriot Retort: Funny, isn’t it? Barack Obama won’t lift a finger when America is actually threatened. But to maintain this farce that Donald Trump’s victory in November was orchestrated by Russia and not the fault of the Democrats running an out-of-touch crook, Obama is willing to create an international incident.


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16 Comments on Just how far is Obama willing to go for this farce?

  1. Wait till Mr. T rediscovers that this Kenyan Nationalist occupied the White Hut for 8 years illegally and now must be either imprisoned or sent back to Kenya.
    It will be a big “I told you so” moment for half he Country.

  2. I look upon obama’s tenure in office as simply a semi-bloodless coup by the Alt-Left in America. Therefore, I’ve never expected anything less than anti-American policies. It’s all so plain to see with his willful actions against our Constitution, ruling through EO’s, his expansion of the Administrative Class and its extra-Constitutional legislation in addition to legislating from the bench in the courts. He’s turned the Presidency into a full-blown Marxist/Socialist/Communist dictatorship. It’s not hyperbole when you stop to think what any dictator would have done differently.

    My hope is that the next four years under Trump and his administration, it will become crystal clear exactly who obama and his backers were in light of the kinds of failed programs they promoted. I do believe that there will be a vast shift in news reporting that will uncover and elucidate this.

  3. @Extirpates — It wasn’t so fast. This has been a 100 year nudge to the Left in America starting way before Wilson. If we even go just go back to Marx, Engels, the Russian Revolution, there have been forces in the world which are the nemeses of human freedom and individual sovereignty. And that’s ‘modern’ history compared to the canon of Hegel, Neitzsche, Marcuse and then the earlier shoulders these philosophers stood on. In fact this is why America’s exceptionalism is all the more wondrous. If we stop to think that today we are infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood in the highest offices of our government and by card-carrying Communists who are considered “honorable” members of our Congress, it’s not a stretch at all to conceive of vast numbers of judges and other politically appointed administrators occupying our government.

    Trump is far more important to this country than most can imagine.

  4. So right Abigail.
    I call them the Illuminati just because they’re in league with the Dark One.
    But its the same old Commie thing come back around again.
    They thought they had us toppled, but they got cocky and ran the worst and most corrupt candidate imaginable.
    I think God is giving America one more, last chance.
    I hope we don’t blow it.

  5. I don’t give a rats ass if he only has 20 days left. All it would take is an hour or less to do something imbecilic even for this fucked up faerie Jugears. We need to remove him by military intervention as mentally unstable, and hence disqualified, since no legal means thanks to the dark one’s whore AG Loretta is available. Sit Joey down and tell him not to play with anything until its over for this POS administration. The twatbrains who put this piece of shit in power twice need to pay the bloody piper.

  6. The constitutional scholar couldn’t even figure out how to convict Khalid Sheik Mohammad whos been trying to plead guilty since Jan 2009. Not that I mind KSM rotting in Gitmo in solitary. But my fear is a last minute 0bamapardon for high value target #1

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