Just in Case She Loses, Hillary Starts Planning Her Sexism Pity Party – IOTW Report

Just in Case She Loses, Hillary Starts Planning Her Sexism Pity Party

IWF: Hillary Clinton is, at least as the mainstream media would have it.  supposed to be a shoo-in for president in November. But, well, just in case, she’s already issued the invites to her Sexism Pity Party.


Seems that lots of viewers of the Sept. 7 “Commander in Chief Forum” on NBC were somewhat underwhelmed by the lady in red. Indeed, a Twitter poll by NBC News indicated that 63 percent of viewers thought that GOP candidate Donald Trump “came out on top” in the quasi-debate versus only 37 percent for Hillary. Oops!

Then a gloating RNC chairman Reince Priebus tweeted the following:

@HillaryClinton was angry + defensive the entire time – no smile and uncomfortable – upset that she was caught wrongly sending our secrets.

Now, in the real world, “no smile and uncomfortable” is what is known as an “observation.”  But in the onion-skin world of Hillary Clinton and her feminist myrmidons in the MSM, it’s known as a “war against women.” Because you’re never supposed to use the word “smile” in the context of the female sex.


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