Just Like Obama: Biden Says He’ll “Fundamentally Transform” America – IOTW Report

Just Like Obama: Biden Says He’ll “Fundamentally Transform” America

Bongino.com: Last week, presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden echoed his former running mate, Barack Obama, in saying that we have an opportunity to “fundamentally transform” the United States.

Using the Wuhan virus as a nice excuse for to presumably grow the government, Biden told a group of Latino supporters during a livestream that “If we do this right, we have an incredible opportunity to not just dig out of this crisis, but to fundamentally transform the country.”

According to Breitbart, this isn’t the first time Biden has talked about using the pandemic to advance Leftism. read more

11 Comments on Just Like Obama: Biden Says He’ll “Fundamentally Transform” America

  1. Biden has lost what was left of his mind. Running on the promise to transform America was tried; and as soon as race was no longer on the ticket America voted to repeal it. But good luck running on that you dog faced pony rapist.

    Biden just does not get it. Obama won because Americans wanted to prove they weren’t racist. Not because of the Obama/Biden ticket. But, never correct an enemy who is making a mistake at your front; am I right? Biden will find out the hard way this November.

  2. that’s a whole lot of fundamental transformation going on there

    did hiden biden indicate what was wrong with big mikes husbands fundamental transformation of the nation that he felt the need to once again fundamentally transform the nation ???

    or is this just a new democrat campaign slogan we are going to here from now on every four years?

    does this mean big mike will have to use the men’s room again?

  3. Sorry Joe but America doesn’t want to be Marxist any more now than it did when Barky tried that shit. We are too busy Making America Great Again.


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