Just Like Unicorns, Sanders’ Policy Solutions Aren’t Real – IOTW Report

Just Like Unicorns, Sanders’ Policy Solutions Aren’t Real

RestoringLiberty: I agree with Bernie Sanders. That’s right. I said it. Never thought I would, did you?

I agree with Bernie Sanders when he rails against the corruption of big banks. I, like Bernie, opposed the government bailout of politically-connected Wall Street investment banks in 2008. At the time, it was a lonely and brave stance to take inside the Washington Beltway.

I also agree with Bernie Sanders that these politically-juiced banks are too big to fail; that TARP made the risky, over-leveraged ones bigger still. I agree with Bernie when he says that these banks pose a major threat to our economy.

I agree with Bernie Sanders’ demand that we audit the Federal Reserve, and I applaud his work with Rand Paul to demand accountability from this quasi-government, big bank slush fund. Bloomberg News reports that the Fed floated some $1.2 trillion to banks and other businesses from 2007 to 2010. That’s T-R-I-L-L-I-O-N. (And we wonder why Millennial Berners are now looking for a student loan bailout?) The manipulation of the value of the dollar and interest rates by the Federal Reserve is the most insidious kind of tax, transferring purchasing power from the working class to the most moneyed, politically-connected Americans.  MORE

5 Comments on Just Like Unicorns, Sanders’ Policy Solutions Aren’t Real

  1. @pageoturner: The Dumb Bernie gets most things wrong, and praising socialist hellholes is a biggie. But his take on the incestuous and larcenous relationship between the govt, the Fed, big banks, and financial institutions happens to be correct. It could, of course, be accidentally correct on his part, but correct it is.

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