Just the News files complaint with Georgia AG on request for Fani Willis contacts with Biden WH – IOTW Report

Just the News files complaint with Georgia AG on request for Fani Willis contacts with Biden WH

Just the News has filed a compliant with the Georgia Attorney General after the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office failed to meet the deadline to respond to an Open Records Act request seeking information on the office’s contact with the Biden administration regarding the Trump election interference case. more

4 Comments on Just the News files complaint with Georgia AG on request for Fani Willis contacts with Biden WH

  1. Nice to see a little “lawfare” in the other direction, although the records her office is hiding are rightfully the property of the citizens of GA, so it isn’t illegitimate like the BS lawfare that her and her Democrat masters are pushing against DJT. With the GA state senate now going after Raffensperger as well, I’m hopeful that the the proverbial dam of lies here in GA is slowly starting to erode and will soon suffer a catastrophic failure (a failure for the scum that infest Georgia’s state govt. and judiciary at least).

  2. In case you are unaware, black skin is immune from accountability of any kind. She is the DA of one of the blackest county’s in the country, much less GA.

    Every black majority county in America is an unaccountable cesspool of grift and corruption. You have Bragg, James, and Willis handpicked by the cabal to attack PDJT with their spurious and baseless procescutions.

    They are untouchable and they act like it. They have the entire Uniparty Globalist infrastructure to protect them and thus they are kids in the candy store grifting until they puke from their excesses.

    Why do you think she retreated to the bowels of the most famous black church to spread her viperious lies? That was a message to her white overlords that “you can’t touch this”.

    PDJT has hoisted her on her own racist petard now. How can a white devil like him ever get justice in black jury pool? Her little church stunt has poisoned the waters and become fruit of the poisonous tree.

    Once again the Lord God Almighty protects an imperfect man by letting his enemies throw themselves into utter confusion and despair. Why it’s almost biblical…

  3. ^^^^ Words from the 6666 one! God supports everyone imbecile. Maybe you think your criminal is better & more deserving than others? F-off with your dashboard Jesus crap.


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