Just Watch 😂 – IOTW Report

Just Watch 😂


27 Comments on Just Watch 😂

  1. Hahahahahaha!!! I have already watched it five times. I would like it in slow motion, too!

    It’s pretty much like spraying a persistent and annoying insect. Excuse me while I watch it a couple more times.
    Love how he slaps his feet down cause he can’t see
    And thank you Molon Labe and MJA! Totally enjoying this!

  2. …the Joe Biden prescribed shotgun blast thru the door would have been better, but still pretty funny until gets to go home, wash out hus eyes, and come back to be an even BIGGER asshole tomorrow…

  3. I find it sad that ANFIFA talks about how bad the police are and goes out of its way to intimidate the police knowing full well that if the police were as bad as the ANTIFA crowd says they police are, the ANTIFA crowd would not live to see the next morning. They know they can be such ass holes because they know they are safe.

  4. Ah, thank you for this!

    It warms the heart to see them treated this way.

    Now if only they would break out the water cannons, microwave and other non-lethal “area denial weapons” the military uses on just about ALL of their overseas bases these screaming punks would never leave mommies basement and PantiFa would be no more because all of their “shock-troops” would be too scared to riot anymore.

  5. I feel so bad for that young man that got sprayed.
    He was only trying to get information on how he could become a law enforcement officer.
    After years of interacting with the police, he , naturally, would want to follow his dream of becoming a cop.

  6. Another “peaceful protester”, right?

    Nothing peaceful about these so-called “peaceful protesters”. It’s another Marxist/Alinsky buzz-phrase designed to set the narrative. It’s taking the power of language to establish a false righteousness, even a superiority.

    “Peaceful protesters” describes one and all who block freeways, block streets and roadways, disturb the peace of the rest of us, deprive us of the use of our tax-paid infrastructures, services, and rights to equal access to our government and its institutions.

    We’re throwing good money after bad to police these people, including every dime spent from the point of oversight, arrests, booking, court-appointed attorneys, and the bloated law enforcement apparatus it takes to “process” them — only for The People to receive zero justice at the end of the line when “peaceful protesters” are released back into streets.

    Let’s talk about “supremacy” now, why don’t we?


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