Just When You Think the Trump/Russia Conspiracy Can’t Get Any More Weird – IOTW Report

Just When You Think the Trump/Russia Conspiracy Can’t Get Any More Weird

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: The seemingly unending saga of the greatest political conspiracy in modern history is getting weird now. Not that it wasn’t weird before, but it’s officially even weirder now that it looks like Mueller has little or nothing on DJT or to show for his time and money, and has the disappointed left scratching the ground like hungry armadillos for something – anything.


Take note comrades, there have been rumblings across the pond over the past few months about how the sale of this one painting – the most expensive art sale ever, of an extremely rare da Vinci that might not even be a da Vinci, or if it is, it might have been painted by Leonardo’s cousin Billy Ray da Vinci – and might be one of the keys to unlocking the whole Trump/Russia conspiracy. But Jesus, really? A painting?

Trump-Russia journalist Zev Shalev has written the narrative out in such a way that he thinks it’s time we all pay attention. First of all, some basic facts.  MORE HERE

6 Comments on Just When You Think the Trump/Russia Conspiracy Can’t Get Any More Weird

  1. obvious paint by numbers. face looks just like mona lisa

    there’s purportedly a similar painting on black velvet but it’s whereabouts is always redacted so it’s hard to be sure of its existence.

  2. I read several articles on this site. They are way beyond Krazy. This one shows how Saudi money was used to pay off Russians to buy Trump’s loyalty to Putin using a da Vinci that might not be worth anything except as a means of reimbursing the Russians who bribed Trump. Or something like that. Supposedly, Robespierre Mueller is investigating all of these leads. If any of this is true, there will never be an end to his witch hunt.

  3. that painting has bee so re-done-
    Reminds me of my great grandfather’s axe. Best axe in the world. It has had six handles and two new heads, but it is still the best axe in the world!

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