Justice! A liberal weenie has been arrested and criminally charged with “threatening to kill a US congressman” and his entire family – IOTW Report

Justice! A liberal weenie has been arrested and criminally charged with “threatening to kill a US congressman” and his entire family

Congressman John Katko

From Powdered Wig Society:

President Trump has rescinded much of the life-sucking regulation imposed by Barack Hussein, including the disastrous net neutrality initiative which has prevented new innovation and business to flourish in the cybertech industry.

Not everyone approves of removing absolute government control from business. Liberal morons actually love the government having a stranglehold on commerce. Case in point, the leftist imbecile from Syracuse who apparently believed threatening to murder a sitting US congressman and his family would be wise and would realize the socialist utopian wet dream of shutting down free enterprise capitalism.

Instead, said leftist imbecile has been arrested and charged with the very serious crime of threatening a federal official. May he spend many years in a federal prison for his stupidity.  more here

16 Comments on Justice! A liberal weenie has been arrested and criminally charged with “threatening to kill a US congressman” and his entire family


    For non-party-members, you stand behind the rope. Wait. Fill out paperwork, pay fees, stamps. You are suffering under the Dhimmi rules.

    For party members, nothing is faster than a government WAIVER.

    That’s the reason for it, that’s the game they play. It slows down Capitalism, helps friendly businesses and punishes their competitors.
    All the mischief-making you expect from government.

  2. Surprised me that Project Gutenberg (gutenberg dot org) is IN FAVOR of KEEPING O’Bozo’s “Net Neutrality”. Go to their home page, you read and decide if their fears are valid, or if they’re full of fear mongering shite.

  3. “Ya know if you threaten me and you’re weenie, meh. You threaten my family you won’t need to look for me because I’ll find you. Bitch.”

    oops. That were I. I had to clear my browser and no longer know who I are.

  4. If someone was to threaten you or your family, in no uncertain terms like that, you should be able to take pre-emptive action and hit him before he can hit you. If that isn’t self defense I don’t know what is.

  5. Confronted some asshole that was threatening my youngest son when he was around 16. He freaked. He tells me “I’m Pre Law”. So I told him right now you’d be a lot better off if you were Pre Med. Ahh, those were the days.

  6. I’m not surprised at all. I had a liberal threaten to kill all Republicans in an argument once. They are all unstable ass holes.

    When Trump said “you can grab em by the pussy” he was talking about ALL liberals.

  7. Back at work a guy from the Cannon Bldg Plumbing Shop called a guy in the Longworth Bldg Plumbing Shop and threatened to “whip his ass.” Lew (the guy being threatened) replied “I’ve never had my ass whipped over the telephone!” and hung up on him.

    And that was that.

    But, of course, threatening one’s family puts an entirely different complexion on the issue, doesn’t it?

    izlamo delenda est …

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