Justice Alito orders Pennsylvania officials to set aside late-arriving ballots – IOTW Report

Justice Alito orders Pennsylvania officials to set aside late-arriving ballots

NYPost: Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on Friday ordered election officials across Pennsylvania to segregate mail-in ballots received after Election Day.

Alito temporarily granted a request by the Keystone State’s Republican Party, which said a court order was needed to ensure that all 67 election boards were complying with a directive from Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, the Washington Post reported.

Alito, the justice responsible for the region of the country that covers Pennsylvania, gave state officials until Saturday afternoon to respond, the paper said. more here

20 Comments on Justice Alito orders Pennsylvania officials to set aside late-arriving ballots

  1. @Jimmy – he is giving a speech that is 50 years old, complete platitude BULLSHIT.

    @Joe6pak – attaboy just be careful and watch over ya back. Okay?

    (to be sung to Alleluia)

    Saaaam Alito, Sam Alito, Sam Alito…

    Saaaaaaaaam Alito, Sammie A li to…

    He is from New Jersey btw.

    AND he schuck his head NO to 0bamammie the Traitor in the deep well of the Chamber.

  2. The simple fact that Democrats are fighting to commingle suspect ballots with legitimate ballots is all anyone needs to know to make an accurate assessment regarding their sincerity.

    Nothing else is needed period. The dirty motherfuckers deliberately commingled ballots that were known to be from felons who were ineligible to vote in the Washington 2004 gubernatorial election theft and then the bastards had the audacity to advance the case that it would not affect the outcome because felons would vote Republican or Democrat in the same ratio as the population of eligible voters.

  3. Does Justice Roberts have the same duty over some other region of the country? If he does, I hope it is not over one of the areas with indications of vote fraud, ah, irregularities.

  4. Thank you again, Chief Justice Roberts for siding with the three Justices that think the U. S. Constitution is just an old piece of parchment that needs to be reinterpreted according to popular, progressive viewpoints. That 4-4 decision set up this fraudulent voter theft in Philadelphia. Your Obamacare decision cost this country billions of dollars and destroyed large segments of the Health Insurance System in this country. Now you have set slip the dogs of a Civil War.

  5. And just how will anyone prove they follow the instructions. This festering pimple should have been addressed by our missing in action representatives long ago. Violators should have been fried and jailed when discovered instead of hand slapped.

  6. Bilderback
    NOVEMBER 7, 2020 AT 2:58 AM
    “Did anyone tell the esteemed half wit justice that it’s too freaking late and the order should have been issued, oh, I don’t know – maybe fucking election day?”

    ..he KNOWS it’s too late.

    …which is exactly why he WAITED until now.

    …he just wants a VENEER of legitimacy, not ACTUAL, honest, accurate vote count legitimacy because THAT would not provide the answer he wants…


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