Justice Brett Kavanaugh Delivers Reality Check to Colorado Attorney in Effort to Exclude Trump from Ballot – IOTW Report

Justice Brett Kavanaugh Delivers Reality Check to Colorado Attorney in Effort to Exclude Trump from Ballot

‘Trump Has Not Been Charged with an Insurrection.’

GP: Kavanaugh’s remarks shed light on the broader implications of the case, questioning the appropriateness of state-level decisions on matters potentially covered by federal statutes against insurrection. Kavanaugh highlighted existing federal statutes, like Section 2383 of Title 18, which already address the issue of insurrection. more

Justice Gorsuch Smacks Around Colorado Attorney During Oral Arguments on Trump Ballot Eligibility (AUDIO)

The Supreme Court expressed skepticism as they heard arguments from Colorado lawyer Jason Murray. Even the liberal justices expressed concern. Justice Neil Gorsuch, a Trump appointee, smacked around Colorado attorney Murray as he tried to argue absurd hypotheticals.

12 Comments on Justice Brett Kavanaugh Delivers Reality Check to Colorado Attorney in Effort to Exclude Trump from Ballot

  1. This is all bread & circuses bullshit until there’s actually an “election” and Trump is “officially” back in office cleaning house.

    Everything up to that point is nothing more than CYA by the slave masters.

  2. Show me the money! Show where in the 14th 3rd clause Amendment that a conviction is needed! Well FUCKTARDS, just like Abbott we can disregard any MAGAott ruling they make as total Hogwash too. Swinging from a hangmans noose is the only place tRump belongs & Kavanagh dipstick will join him.

  3. So, this anonymous person thinks no conviction is necessary to label a person (in this case Trump) guilty of insurrection, simply an accusation or a feeling (a typical trait of leftists). In the same light I guess it would hold true that no proof or conviction is necessary to label a person an asshole or idiot. Am I on the right track with this comparison?

  4. I’m actually more concerned that Trump was on the grassy knoll in Dallas in 1963.

    It’s also interesting that to today’s leftards, JFK would be too conservative to be elected.


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