Justice Department declines to prosecute VA employees who defrauded $400K, and who still have jobs – IOTW Report

Justice Department declines to prosecute VA employees who defrauded $400K, and who still have jobs

AmericanThinker: The mainstream media have been ignoring a story of outrageous abuse by federal employees that has just been rubber-stamped by Loretta Lynch’s prosecutors at the D.C. U.S. attorney’s office.  The first report was carried by the Houston Chronicle on Tuesday and picked up by the Washington Examiner yesterday.  It is enough to make any taxpayer’s blood boil and has great potential as a news story.  Yet for the moment, it exists in one Texas city and the conservative blogosphere only.  Sarah Westwood reports for the Examiner:

A pair of Department of Veterans Affairs officials who defrauded the VA for $400,000 will not face any criminal charges, despite an inspector general’s request that they both face a criminal investigation.

In an inspector general report made public in September, Diana Rubens and Kimberly Graves were both accused of manipulating a VA program meant to ease the strain of moving agency employees between cities. The watchdog referred the matter to the Department of Justice for a criminal inquiry.

But prosecutors in the U.S. attorney’s office for the District of Columbia ruled against pursuing charges late last week, the Houston Chronicle reported Tuesday, effectively eliminating any possibility that the two officials will face consequences for their actions.  MORE

16 Comments on Justice Department declines to prosecute VA employees who defrauded $400K, and who still have jobs

  1. I hope Trump starts making examples of these thieving bureaucrats. And what these 2 scumbags stole is peanuts. It’s estimated that there was over $125 Billion in MediCare fraud in 2015!!!

    I’d also like top see the scum in the IRS that are knowingly sending sometimes several hundred claims for dependents(at a $1,000 a pop) to the SAME FUCKING ADDRESS.

    This shit is beyond madness. We’re printing trillions of Fairy Dust Money for it to be stolen??? WTF are these morons in Congress doing?

  2. The Feds take care of their own – regardless of who is in the White House.
    Corruption is the rule, not the exception.
    And this is small potatoes compared to Dept. of Energy, EPA, IRS, Agriculture, and a host of other scams.
    We don’t have a $20Trillion dollar debt cuz all the rat-people are living like Grand Viziers – we have a $20Trillion debt because of the thieves in Congress and the Agencies. Everybody grabs a slice as the pie moves down towards its final destination – until there are only crumbs for the intended.
    Not that the Federal Gov’t should be in the largesse business, in the first place, but that is, after all, the sole point – to steal.

    Good luck and God Bless Mr. (Pres.) Trump.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Good Lord you can’t make this shit up.

    The court stated that punishing Rubens and Graves was inconsistent disciplining behavior by the VA, since it had not similarly punished other employees that had committed offenses.The judge also cited her superiors’ foreknowledge of her intent as evidence that no laws had been broken. Rubens was reinstated effective immediately and was awarded back-pay.

  4. I’m a vet but never have gone to the VA hospital/clinic.
    These guys need to go to jail-pay back the 400k along with Lynch. I may go once Trump is sworn in and fixes this mess…

  5. The VA should be closed and Vets given medical cards so they can see any doctor they want. They should be able to get any service anywhere.

    Yes, there are some good VA doctors and hospitals, but not enough to warrant keeping the system as is. The good doctors can find jobs with normal clinics and hospitals.

  6. “ignoring a story of outrageous abuse”

    Either someone needs to expand their reading to subjects far from government, like The Clinton Foundation, or learn that “outrageous” doesn’t mean what they think it means.

  7. The Chron.com took down the story.

    Yeah, the H-Town Houston Chronicle (the so-called “Chronically Liberal”) probably got a call last night from Georgie Soros, who pumped hundreds of thousands into our County D.A. race, and told ’em to shut it down.

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