Justice Department Files 9 New Criminal Charges Against Hunter Biden  – IOTW Report

Justice Department Files 9 New Criminal Charges Against Hunter Biden 


The Justice Department on Thursday filed new criminal charges against Hunter Biden, CNN reported.

Update: Hunter Biden was hit with a 9-count indictment filed in California: Tax evasion, failure to file/pay taxes, and false/fraudulent tax return.

The indictment details a “four-year scheme” to avoid the $1.4+ million tax obligations he owed between 2016 and 2019 and to file false returns. more

27 Comments on Justice Department Files 9 New Criminal Charges Against Hunter Biden 

  1. Talk about brash – he reported that he owed $1.4M then didn’t pay it. He listed hundreds of thousands in ‘expenses’ like ATM withdrawals, education, and ‘payments to women’. Galling, but incredibly brash.
    And IRS, FBI, et al decided not to prosecute…

  2. Yeah, and what’s ever going to come of it.
    He a privileged Demoncrat so charges against him are about as important as having to take a leak after getting out of bed. Just water down the drain.
    I’ll change my mind AFTER he goes to prison

  3. Bob: you may very well be onto something. Nancy probably had and still has more power than Joe ever hoped to have. The Dems probably did not want any of the real whack jobs to be President, but they wanted an easily manipulated figurehead. Joe fit the bill so they installed him. Now he is doing more harm to them than good so he has to go.

  4. I sold something online this year for just over $600.
    I guaranfuckingtee that I will be penalized far more with more IRS agents sniffing my asshole than Hunter will ever face.

    These corrupt motherfuckers are laughing at us in 87,000 new agents…

  5. unrelated: How soon until all those guns purchased for the IRS / post office make their way to our new houseguests (in their new Obozo Army uniforms, iphones, steel toed boots, etc.). Axing for a friend

  6. Loco, how long are the rest of us going to have to listen to you cry about having to pay tax on slightly more than $600 because you sold something online? Just pay the damn tax and you won’t have the IRS sniffing your asshole. You may have to go w/o your bottle of tequila for a couple nights but that may actually do you some good.

    Fair? Of course not. A fair world is a liberal concept that has never and will never exist but the concept means crybabies will always have something to cry about.

  7. mod, are you REALLY that fucking ignorant?
    Do I have to explain my point about there being two tiers of justice in this country?
    My guess is that you know EXACTLY my point but you happen to have a hard-on for giving me shit.

    BTW asshole, biden* & the dems talk about the rich paying their fair share.
    Last time 600 bucks made someone rich was a couple centuries ago…

  8. “In other words, Garland doesn’t answer to Joe.”

    He never did, he answer to a group of people that pull Joe’s strings. Consisting of people like the Halfrican, VJ, Susan Rice, George Soros, etc. The Committee of Doom.

  9. Loco, I’m not the one that doesn’t realize that something can be sold online for “slightly” less than $6oo and it doesn’t get reported to the IRS.

    I’m also smart enough to know that when politicians talk about the rich paying their fair share they’re talking about what gets shoveled into their own pockets and they’re perfectly happy if that is via campaign donations, bribes and kickbacks instead of taxes. They probably prefer it that way as it frees up the IRS to sniff your butthole.

  10. mod, you obviously don’t know WTF you are talking about.
    If you sell multiple things on ebay over the course of a year TOTALING over $600 they send you a 1099 AND REPORT YOUR TOTAL AMOUNT TO THE IRS.

    Next time know the facts before making an ass out of yourself.

  11. “What does Slow Joe say about income taxes: “Pay your fair share” !!”

    Perfectly to not pay taxes to a government that doesn’t represent you.

    Self defeating mantra Joe has there.


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