Justice Department sources have confirmed to Fox News that the DOJ is dropping the Flynn case – IOTW Report

Justice Department sources have confirmed to Fox News that the DOJ is dropping the Flynn case


Update, 2:41 p.m. ET: Justice Department sources have confirmed to Fox News that the DOJ is dropping the Flynn case.

Original story below:

Mueller prosecutor withdraws from Flynn case after questions surface concerning his compliance with court order.

Brandon Van Grack, a top Justice Department prosecutor and former member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, is no longer handling the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn — and he’s withdrawing from other unrelated cases as well, raising questions about his future at the DOJ.

No explanation was given for Van Grack’s abrupt withdrawal from the Flynn case, which was recorded in a brief filing with the court on Thursday. But Van Grack’s removal came just days after Fox News reported that explosive, newly unsealed evidence documenting the FBI’s efforts to target Flynn — including a top official’s handwritten memo debating whether the FBI’s “goal” was “to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired” — called into question whether Van Grack complied with a court order to produce favorable evidence to Flynn. more

h/t MJA’s mom.

28 Comments on Justice Department sources have confirmed to Fox News that the DOJ is dropping the Flynn case

  1. There better be some actual justice applied to all those who entrapped Flynn and not the usual strongly worded letter and a slap on the wrist!!!!

  2. The wheels of justice might not be frozen, but surely they could not grind any more slowly. Congrats to hero of the year….Sydney Powell. What a bulldog attorney she is! She is my choice for new head of FBI.

  3. I’m very glad for Michael Flynn and family, but this isn’t the outcome I was hoping for, especially if this cuts off any possibility of Judge Sullivan holding Van Grack in contempt and tossing him into a jail cell. If the case is just dropped, there will be no further filings from Powell about the criminal and treasonous actions of the DOJ and the Flynn connections to the overall attempted coup. Dropping the case is by far the least damaging course of action that the DOJ could take. Needless to say, I want to see the MOST damaging actions, not the LEAST.

  4. Can we all take off our tin foil hats now???!!

    Right on right on…RIGHT ON!!

    Wooo hooo!

    @Uncle Al – I could care less if that loyya gets off. FLYNN.IS.FREE. THAT IS ALL THAT COUNTS. NOW we can get back to some serious back investigating and SPOOKING. Do you really think this is going be handled by Flynn and POTUS ‘by the book’?? Through a bunch of lawsuits that will take years?

  5. I would hope Flynn sues the DOJ players on a personal level and not professional level. Force those who broke the law to pay the General, not the US Taxpayers.

  6. Now let’s move on to helping Roger Stone and Paul Manafort with their malicious prosecutions. Obama and his minions have been grotesquely unjust to a lot of people. (I think this is poorly worded, but I can’t think of a better way to say it right now.)

  7. @Sns – B-I-N-G-O.

    Lets’ see what the PRIZE will be. I have not been this excited since election night itself like Christmas morning and the hopeful gift is under the tree and the Easter we were deprived of!!


  8. Now, to fix the problem. We need to dig up the bones of Jesus H. Christ. And get the Senate to confirm Him head of the DoJ. That’ll fix it. As soon as we get one, just one, bon-a fid-e Messiah, with the actual title, “Head of DoJ”, it’ll be all goodness and light. All those honest, honorable, rank & file, will have the opportunity to, finally, be honest & honorable. And, after just one tenure, of a bon-a fid-e Messiah, they won’t never go back. (I’m sure the multi-layers of management will go along, to get along.)

    Then, after that, we can sideways confirm Him to the FBI. Then DHS. Then Education. Tough call after that. Energy? Turning water into oil. Or State? Bringing World peace? Decisions, decisions.

  9. ‘they held off as long as they could…’

    To SNS, I would LOVE to see your traitors list of who ‘they’ were, I have mine:

    Obama – p
    Biden – vp
    Comey – fbi
    Page – fbi
    Strock – fbi
    McCabe – senior fbi
    Gates – lawyer
    Brennan – intel
    Clapper – intel
    Holder – doj
    Lynch – doj
    Weissman – doj
    Van Schroak – doj
    Schiff – HOR
    Warner – Sen
    Sullivan – judge
    Moyes – judge
    Haberman – press, other presstitutes
    Wittes – moron
    Clinton(s) et al
    Epstein – did NOT kill himself btw.

    To the anon above me take your pills for your TDS.


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